What Are The 10 Best Workplace Incentives ?

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    What Are The 10 Best Workplace Incentives ?
    What Are The 10 Best Workplace Incentives ?

    Every business has its own company culture—but did you know that the benefits you offer tell potential hires what that culture is? Let’s say your company requires staff to be in the office from 9 to 5. That’s going to tell potential hires that you prefer to adhere to tradition and structure. Offering flex time can give the impression that you’re laidback and want your team to work when they’re most creative; it shows that you care more about results than punching a time clock. Letting employees work remotely sends the message that you value their time and the environment, since you’re not requiring them to spend time and money commuting.

    Many business owners fall short when it comes to reflecting office culture in this way. They may offer cool perks, but they do it because that’s what they think employees want—not because those perks actually reflect the office culture. Or they have the misconception that incentives are unrelated to company culture and therefore not as important.

    If you want to attract top talent—or keep the awesome team you’ve got—you’re going to need to think carefully about the incentives you’re offering. This is especially important if you’re targeting a younger workforce.

    Millennials tend to seek positions where they can care about a company that cares about them. That means they’re not just looking for a fat salary in exchange for sheer work output. They want workplace incentives that are going to improve the quality of their lives—which will in turn improve their productivity.

    Of course, you don’t have to create a million-dollar incentives program overnight. The best thing about offering unconventional perks is that they’re scalable. Small businesses can keep it close to home with small perks. As your company grows, you can offer bigger and better incentives.Before you go bananas overhauling your own program, you’ll want to take a look at the perks that are already out there. This countdown from Company Folders will not only show you the best workplace incentives—it will tell you why your employees secretly want them. You’ll soon be on your way to creating an impressive incentives program that will attract talented workers, motivate your team, and reflect your company culture.

    The 10 Best Workplace Incentives
    The 10 Best Workplace Incentives

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