In Part 1 of these articles we looked at the importance of social media marketing and why social media power helps people to gain and hold onto the attention of their target audience. In the top 25 social media power influencers it was possible to see how different bloggers and influencers focused on specialist areas of social media. Alternatively they were able to become influencers by applying social media to their area of expertise, such as music, art or other.
Some laggards still argue that social media is a fad that is going nowhere. However, with even top US business school Harvard now also writing extensive analysis on this subject matter, it seems likely that social media marketing is here to stay and is essential for business success. As a top 50 social influencer #28, Bonnie Sainsbury puts it:
“Social media will help you build up loyalty of your current customers to the point that they will willingly, and for free, tell others about you.”
In Part 1 we looked at the top 25 social media power influencers. Here are the second set of 25 social media power influencers – those that Haydn Shaughnessy ranked in positions 26 to 50
26. Calvin Lee –Calvin Lee is best known for social media advocacy, as well as social media work. He also runs Mayhem Studios which is a company that does design work, and it is under this handle that he posts. @mayhemstudios
27. Jessica Merrill – Jessica’s blogging focuses primarily on the subject of HR and recruitment and she creates blog posts for blogging4jobs, applying social to her specialist area of knowledge. @blogging4jobs
28. Bonnie Sainsbury – this lady focuses somewhat on mobile among her range of different subject matters relating to social that she covers. @bsainsbury
29. Jonathan Naferrete – Jonathan’s specialist area of expertise is Instagram, and he is a photographer that posts captivating images more frequently than he adds text. @jonathan360
30. Lilach Bullock – Lilach reviews topic areas including Facebook, earned media and Pinterest. She has many followers, and is a respected social media marketing consultant. @Lilachbullock
31. Steve Farnsworth – this social media whizz works at Jolt Digital Marketing in the position of Chief Digital Strategist. Following him will expose you to a diverse range of subject matters. @steveology
32. Deborah Lee – Deborah has a tendency to focus on Twitter in particular in her activities, but she does also have a range of different social media postings to read. @debsylee
33. Neal Schaffer – LinkedIn is Neal Schaffer’s specialist subject matter, though he does also cover a broad range of other social media interests on his Windmill Marketing website. @nealschaffer
34. Mike O’Neil – if your area of interest is getting corporate training in LinkedIn then Mike O’Neil is your man. He also operates a website called Integrated Alliances. @mikeoneilrocks
35. Jay Oatway – Jay helps people to improve their use of social media. To this end he wrote a book named “Mastering Story, Community and Influence: How to Use Social Media to Become a Socialeader”. @jayoatway
36. Jeff Barrett – A regular writer for the Washington Times, Jeff Barret can be found commenting on PR as it relates to social media. He also runs an agency named, “Status Creative”. @barrettall
37. Scott Stratten – Stratten hones in on Twitter in particular, and a great many followers find his posts to be current, topical and engaging. @unmarketing
38. Marsha Collier – Marsha is a prolific author in the area of social media and customer service and she has produced 40 books to date. She uses Twitter and Google + for dissemination. @Marshcollier
39. Lori Taylor – Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest are some of the subject matters that Lori covers on her blog. Her specialist area is social media and direct response. @lorirtaylor
40. VivekavonRosen – vonRosen is mainly known for her expertise in the area of LinkedIn, however she does also have other interests that she shares information on. @LinkedInExpert
41. YacineBaroudi – the Internet of Things is Yacine’s preferred subject matter to write on, and this has important ties to social media that cannot be ignored. @yacinebaroudi
42. Sandi Krakowski – Krakowski focuses heavily on Facebook marketing, a subject matter on which she has significant expertise. @sandikrakowski
43. Susan Cooper – Susan consults, creates strategy and develops social media marketing approaches for musicians, entertainers and some businesses. @buzzedition
44. Christine Korda – Christine focuses on subject matters relevant to mothers in her blog, and she is also responsible for relationships with bloggers at shesconnected. @christinekorda
45. Don Crowther – Don provides some commentary on the most recent trends to hit social media marketing. @don_crowther
46. Dede Watson – this writer offers some helpful tips on social media and has maintained a solid audience in the last year. @Dede_watson
47. Erik Qualman – Socialnomics is Erik’s brainchild (he is the author), and he has a blog that goes by the same name as well. @equalman
48. Michael Hyatt – Michael wrote “Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World”. His website provides advice to others on social. @michaelhyatt
49. Darren Rowse – if you want to learn how to make money from blogging, Darron’s work is the place to turn. @problogger
50. Christopher Penn – this writer works on the subject matter of PR as it relates to social. He also founded PodCamp. @cspenn
You can check various information on the top 50 social media influencers looking at this nice infographic done by Forbes:

Paula Newton is a business writer, editor and management consultant with extensive experience writing and consulting for both start-ups and long established companies. She has ten years management and leadership experience gained at BSkyB in London and Viva Travel Guides in Quito, Ecuador, giving her a depth of insight into innovation in international business. With an MBA from the University of Hull and many years of experience running her own business consultancy, Paula’s background allows her to connect with a diverse range of clients, including cutting edge technology and web-based start-ups but also multinationals in need of assistance. Paula has played a defining role in shaping organizational strategy for a wide range of different organizations, including for-profit, NGOs and charities. Paula has also served on the Board of Directors for the South American Explorers Club in Quito, Ecuador.