Tag: working

Work is Not Free: What to Do When Customers Ignore Your Invoices

Work is Not Free: What to Do When Customers Ignore Your...

Work is Not Free: What to Do When Customers Ignore Your Invoices There’s nothing worse than when one of your clients has an outstanding invoice,...
Ellen MacArthur travels the world on her journey of learning, credit image ellenmacarthurfoundation.org

Circular Economy DNA, DIF Disruptive Innovation Festival

Circular Economy DNA - The Disruptive Innovation Festival DIF We live in a complex world and society where the concept of disruptive innovation is a...

Going Where No One Has Gone Before Part 2

A post work economy would imply a universal basic income allocated to all citizens. What would be the impact of a basic income in...

Going Where No one Has Gone Before Part 1

StarTrek Economics, Post Work and Automated Luxurious Abundance

More Than a Third of UK Workers Want Flexible Working

But is it right for your business?

Conceptualising Creativity

The "wonderstuff" for transforming workplaces into powerhouses of value.

How To Set Goals In Your Social Business?

The Executive's Guide to Goal Setting

5 Ways to Prevent and Avoid Accidents in the Workplace

Every year, more than 2 million American workers are hurt badly enough on the job that they can’t go back to work and require...
Image source: Future of Work PSFK

Nine Characteristics For A New Way Of Work

Our current post industrial era has seen dramatic changes happening to what we define as "work". One of the things that mostly impacted work has...

The Top 100 Innovation Companies and Organisations Globally Part One

The Top 100 Innovation Companies and Organisations Globally. Intelligenthq Innovation is critical for success of business and also in the improvement of our daily lives....

The Changing Nature of Work : A Personal View About Working...

Technology is changing our lives very fast. With our smartphones we access to internet even when located remotely. It is as if we live...

The future of the open talent economy aka Work

Work as we have traditionally known it, is changing, and its radical new look might alarm or even terrify the unprepared. Why? For starters...

The Industrial Internet will create Data Smart future roles

Workplace productivity affects the bottom line of many companies. Unforeseen mishaps and unplanned downtime in the work environment can accelerate across the ecosystem and...

2013 Technology Innovation Awards winners Recognized for Visionary Tech

Have you heard about Ventana Research? The company is one of the most authoritative and respected benchmark business technology research and advisory services firms. They provide...