Tag: Social Innovation
This year’s European Social Innovation Competition is to Reimagine Fashion by...
N’Gunu Tiny, Founder and Executive Chairman of the Emerald Group on the annual European Social Innovation Competition and what it achieves.
This year’s European Social...
Miguel Amaral Interview, Professor at University of Lisbon On Tech Change...
Miguel Amaral Professor at Instituto Superior Tecnico, University of Lisbon is the new guest in this new video interview series hosted by citiesabc founder...
Give Nation: The Power of Pocket Money
How to deeply transform the relationship of individuals to the economy? Begin by teaching children the foundations of a renewed capitalism. This is the...
From The Corporate World To The Amazon Forest: Interview With Ayelet...
In this very inspiring conversation between Benjamin Butler and Ayelet Baron we hear about the amazing journey of Ayelet.
Ayelet Baron is a visionary author,...
The Main Players in the Area of Financial Inclusion
The Main Players in the Area of Financial Inclusion
As the issue of financial inclusion takes center stage in the fight against global poverty, more...
Blueprint for a Democracy that Reconnects
The Chinese philosophy of Taoism expounds the complementary principles of yin and yang, where yang is the active, driving, masculine principle and yin is...
The Nominet Trust: The Leading UK Social Technology Funder
The Nominet Trust is the leading UK social technology funder. The organisation invests in and supports people that use technology to deal with social...
Nine Characteristics For A New Way Of Work
Our current post industrial era has seen dramatic changes happening to what we define as "work". One of the things that mostly impacted work has...
How Social Labs Are Transforming The World
You’d think that a planning-based approach might be best for solving some of the world’s most difficult social issues. From global warming to child...
Inscaping: Fostering Social Innovation From the Inside Out
Looking at the inner experiences of people inside the organisations
The Open Book Of Social Innovation
What is Social Innovation ? Why is it important ? What does it bring to society, and how is it impacting the world ?
What Is An Innerpreneur ?
What is An Innerpreneur ?
If there is currently a strong upsurge in entrepreneurship around the world, as every day we find loads of articles...
What Type Of Innovator Are You ? New Research By Nesta
What Type Of Innovator Are You ? A New Research By Nesta. Intelligenthq
Have you ever thought about what type of innovator you are? Or...