Tag: social business

#Social business is shifting out of first gear

The term “social business” these days, is used describe a forward thinking firms’s use of any or all of the following elements; Consumer-based social...

10 Ways to Engage Employees on Social Business

Social business transformation enables organizations to be more cost-effective and be more customer-centric and be able to engage –better- with all stakeholders. To enable...

Weekly Business Review: Microsoft, Cloudera, Ericsson

Lots happened the past week in the social media, social business, big data and business intelligence world. Read below a review of the most...

Top 10 Best Practices for Social Business Adoption

Great 10 examples from businesses, that are in the process of transforming into a social business. Sandy Carter and IBM created an infographic on...
digital transformation social media centric life

Digital Transformation and Social Media Trends

Digital transformation and special Social media tools are a continuous evolving ecosystem of tech innovation and users interaction, social adoption and special scalability. The...

Weekly Business Review: IBM, GigaOM, Accenture

Lots happened the past week in the social media, social business, big data and business intelligence world. Read below a review of the most...

Seven Risks of Being a Social Business

A social business usually means a holistic approach and way of doing customer-centric business. However there are also risks of labeling yourself as a...

Social Business Accelerates Efficiencies in Organisations

Social business is not only outward, creating –better- connections with customers but it is also great to enable efficiencies in the internal organization. Adi...