Tag: Smart Contract

Integrating Private Banking And Crypto Finance: Dinis Guarda With Seamus Rocca,...

Blockchain is transforming everything from payment transactions to how money is raised in the private market. Is it possible to integrate traditional banking with...

SingularityNET To Port A Portion Of Its Network To Cardano Blockchain

· SingularityNET Foundation is working with IOHK to port a significant portion of the SingularityNET decentralized AI network to Cardano’s blockchain · The move is...

Blockchain Technology and the Disruptions It’s Made So Far

The world is still talking about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general, but there seems to be a consensus already: blockchain technology is the bigger...

Blockchain Boosts the P2P Economy

Users have become the main characters in the new technological-based economic wave. Customers and sellers exchange their roles due to their transaction necessities. Connectivity...

The Future of Exchanges Speaks in ‘Blockchain’ Language

It can be said without much  hesitation that the current exchange system needs a change, a boost that satisfies new trade necessities. There is...