Tag: FinTech
Emmanuel Daniel, Founder of The Asian Banker: Financial & Investment Industry...
Emmanuel Daniel, serial entrepreneur, financial expert and founder of The Asian Banker joins Dinis Guarda in this new series interview for citiesabc. As the...
The Future Of FinTech: Interview with Sean Kiernan, CEO Of DAG...
Hilton Supra, Vice Chairman of Ztudium and citiesabc is joined by Hirander Misra, Chair & CEO GMEX Group & SECDEX and Sean Kiernan, Chief...
Fintech Top 100 Influencers By Onalytica
Onalytica’s latest Fintech Top 100 Influencers ranks the most prominent and influential people in financial technology. Whether they come from startups or big companies,...
BOOK 4IR: AI, Blockchain, Fintech, IoT – Reinventing A Nation By...
4th Industrial Revolution - 4IR triggered by all kinds of emerging technologies is promising to disrupt the world as we know it, particularly affecting...
FinTech Transformation: How Banks Are Using New Technologies
According to different estimations, there are 12,000 FinTech startups now. In 2018 only, new firms gathered $32.6 billion in investments. Surely, these numbers can...
Plugging the Gap: Fintech Start Ups And Common Data Security Problems
Fintech is one of hottest areas in high-tech today because it allows companies to save money, improve operations, and increase the level of job...
Digital Transformation and the 4IR – AI, Blockchain, IoT, Fintech part...
III. IoT - Connecting Matter with People
The Internet of Things (IoT) is another powerful tech that is enabling the swift transition to the 4IR....
Efi Pylarinou: An Ex-Wall Street Financier Influencing Radical New Tech Future...
The Finance industry has a long history of being the heart & the brain that power economies. Every time this heart & brain has...
Fenixera Launch a Much-Needed Crypto-Accounting Platform for Small Businesses
Fintech innovators ‘Fenixera’ herald the arrival of reporting and tracking platform, which includes cryptocurrencies.
Fenixera is a global debt recovery platform tool designed to protect people...
How to Manage the Cost Implications for Technology Compliance
Changes made by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on July 31, 2018, will enable non-depository financial technology (fintech) companies to...
Blockchain Technology and the Disruptions It’s Made So Far
The world is still talking about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general, but there seems to be a consensus already: blockchain technology is the bigger...
A Brief History of Cryptocurrency Trading
Ask most people to define currency, and they will talk about two things – coins and banknotes. These are what most of us think...
FundRequest lets you Contribute to Open Source and Earn Cryptocurrency
FundRequest, a new platform for incentivizing open-source development, has officially launched their first product: a blockchain powered integration with GitHub that allows developers to...
A guide for beginners to CFD Cryptocurrency Trading
Samuel Hampton, a senior financial analyst at Olsson Capital, confirms that there is a new asset in the financial markets that is quickly capturing...
How Fintech is Changing the Financial Services Landscape
Technology is changing the way we do things in every aspect of our lives. Innovative ideas and new developments are coming onto the market...
Humaniq Faces Interview With Susanne Chisti
Humaniq faces had the pleasure of interviewing Susanne Chishti. Susanne Chishti is the CEO of FINTECH Circle, Europe's 1st Angel Network focused on fintech...
Rise London The Home of Fintech and Europe’s Largest Accelerator
Rise London The Home of Fintech and Europe's Largest Accelerator
Rise London, is Europe's largest co-working space dedicated to financial technologies (FinTech) and innovation. Barclays...
Interview With Mihai Ivascu CEO Of MoneyMailMe, The Social Money Transferring...
Interview with Mihai Ivascu CEO and Founder of Moneymailme: The Social Money Transferring Payments App.
Intelligenthq interviewed Mihai Ivascu, a 29 year old serial-entrepreneur, thought...
David Kenny GM IBM Watson on AI Blockchain Design Thinking in...
David Kenny, GM @IBM Watson on AI, Blockchain and Design Thinking in banking
This is a special guest post and interview from Dean Demellweek, Digital Solutions...
State of FinTech – The Future of Money, Visualised
The growing world of financial technology is multi faceted and changing every day. New tools are created to help consumers and businesses move and...
Disruption, Blockchain, Fintech and the Trust Protocol
Blockchain technology triggers unease and fear for the world’s traditional financial and economic institutions. Never before has the concept of money been challenged and...
POST British Parliament UK FinTech Overview Report
Financial Technology FinTech Report benefits and challenges to the UK
There is no doubt of the global power of Financial Technology (FinTech). This hybrid term...
New Practical Blockchain Resource Centre by CCgroup
New Blockchain Resource Centre by CCgroup
As Blockchain becomes the top game changer the challenge comes from understanding the right applications and how Blockchain can...
Santander Joined Blockchain Revolution 1st UK bank to use Blockchain Ripple
Santander joined the Blockchain revolution becoming the first UK bank to use the tech for international payments, using blockchain technology from @Ripple.
Santander just stepped forward...