Tag: books

Chris West interview

Chris West And The Power Of Language In Marketing

Chris West interview Chris West interview : Chris West is a unique combination of insightful strategic thinker and highly-awarded writer. He is the founder of...

In Search of Inspiration: The World’s Best Business and Development Books

Books are always a brilliant source of inspiration. If you are looking to find suggestions on how to improve your persona, both on a...
Mary Joye, Codependent Discovery and Recovery 2.0, mental health, Healthy Relationships

How To Overcome Codependency And Build Healthy, Reciprocal Relationships

“Using neuroscience, psychology, and spirituality, Mary Joye shares how to conquer old habits of needing to rescue loved ones and friends. In this compelling...
NFTs Uprising, NFTs, Dinis Guarda, Book, blockchain, technology

Dinis Guarda Presents: NTFs Uprising – The citiesabc Ultimate Guide To...

NFTs are the first iteration of the blockchain uprising in an increasingly virtual world. NFTs are the first passage of the offline world of...

Rethink: Smashing The Myths Of Women In Business

Throughout the ages, women pursuing success in traditionally male-dominated careers have found their paths impeded by any number of myths that questioned their abilities....

Managing And Leading In Times Of Change

A new book, Natural Business Development, reframes ‘selling’ to provide a practical toolkit to enable whole teams to connect confidently with customers in a...

Top AI Books of all Time and Reflections

“I'm afraid that the following syllogism may be used by some in the future. Turing believes machines think Turing lies with men Therefore machines do not think Yours...

4 Must Read New Books To Transform Your Life!

Book change lives, inspire souls, trigger enthusiasm... but there are so many ? What books to choose? What new books can ignite your entrepreneurial...

China’s Change: Learning From The Greatest Show On Earth

“Confucius once said, “after studying change for five decades, I shall surely be free of serious flaws.” There might be one nation where change is...

The Netherlands and UNOPS Blockchain Symposium

Blockchain Symposium, New York, 26th September The Blockchain Symposium will take place the upcoming 26th of September in New York. The event is organised by...

A Call to Action for Global Leadership

Leaders schooled in rational, left-brained thinking need to adapt to changing political, social and technological forces. This requires not only the ability to drill...

Top 10 Must Read Books of All Eras

Human beings are different from other animals in their unique characteristic of talking. Thanks to this talk we can share our stories, stories that...

6 Books Recommended by 6 Original Entrepreneurs

What books influenced the lives of some of the most successful entrepreneurs of our times, who have the particularity of having led original lives?...
Winston Churchil drawing intelligenthq

“How to Think Like Churchill” by Daniel Smith

“In the great drama, he was the greatest of all” General Charles de Gaulle, writing to Queen Elizabeth about Churchill's death in 1965 How to Think...

Creating a Renewable Reading Experience With eBooks

Creating a Renewable Reading Experience With eBooks The reading experience is one that has not changed much over the centuries, unless of course you count...
Fast Forward – The Companies Shaping our Future” – book by Jim Mellon

Jim Mellon The Super Investor Shaping Master Investor Show

Jim Mellon Illustration Intelligenthq Master Investor show has been running for 13 years. Its audience consists of investors, startups and finance professionals. In 2015 the new...
Resource Revolution

Welcome To The Resource Revolution – The Biggest Business Opportunity?

How can we take a worldwide crisis and create the most enormous business opportunities? Stefan Hack, Matt Rogers and Paul Carroll think they know...

Collective Genius

the art and practice of leading innovation

Happier: Learn the Secrets to Daily Joy and Lasting Fulfilment

A book on happiness by Harvard Professor Tal Ben-Shahar

Big Business eyes self Crowdfunding and the fanvestor

Perhaps it is a symptom of the economic climate, but many large businesses are turning to crowdfunding, bypassing traditional investment institutions and instead turning...

Oyster Launches Digital Library App with over 100,000 Books

Renting your media has become one of the newest business models for the entertainment industry.  Oyster is now added to the list of media-rental...