Tag: Blockchain

Proof of What? Top 3 Most Common Consensus Protocols

We all know Blockchain technology is making its name for its trustless and decentralised features, but what makes it so secure? Before a transaction...

Building a New Economic System Based on UBI and Blockchain

The idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI) has been surrounding us for a few years now, reaching over time as a strong possible answer...

Is Blockchain Capable of Taking On Global Inequality?

Written by Maria Fonseca and Hernaldo Turrillo Among all the scenarios blockchain technology can be applied to, taking on global inequality is precisely one that...

Blockchain and Social Impact in Brazil Interview With António Limongi França

Interview With António Limongi Lança

Epidemiology And Public Health In The Age of Blockchain

What is a blockchain in a public health context? Blockchain could be defined by 3 main characteristics : 1. Blockchain Is Not Just Bitcoin But...

The Rise of a Greener Crypto-Revolution

Moving towards a greener economy takes time, and more importantly, will. Businesses and citizens have a duty to become more environmentally friendly but they...

Why Institutional Investors Are Likely To Embrace Cryptocurrencies

Institutional investors are increasingly looking at Cryptocurrencies as the returns they have generated in 2017 makes this New Asset Class difficult to ignore. Initial...

Blockchain Stands Out Against Its Critics in Davos

“The global context has changed dramatically: geostrategic fissures have re-emerged on multiple fronts with wide-ranging political, economic and social consequences. Realpolitik is no longer...

The Ethics Inside Blockchain

Blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that has hit the headlines with full force over the past 6 months,  is said to be a disruptive...

The Blockchain Advertisement Utopia

The Distributed ledger technology has been pointed out as the next revolution within the digital context. This data management system seems to have the...

The Blockchain Unveils Its Future In A Masterclass In The Heart...

It happens that cryptocurrencies and their back-end technology, the Blockchain, is becoming mainstream in today's exchange market plazas. The new main character in the...

When Crypto and Blockchain Become Mainstream, What Will Be the Future...

Cryptocurrencies are becoming a matter of interest for banks and governments all over the world. Not long ago, bitcoin was only a mere nerd-y...

Crypto, Blockchain and The Future of Investing and Trading

In a masterclass conference, blockchain experts Dinis Guarda, Martin Bartlam, Jonny Fry, Derin Cag, Genevieve Leveille and Athanassios Kollyris will discuss the crypto world and the...

Glance Announces Completion of the Acquisition of Cryptocurrency Technology Blockimpact

Glance Technologies Inc. announced the completion of the purchase of the Blockimpact end-to-end cryptocurrency and blockchain solution from Ztudium Inc. In addition to acquiring...

Blockchain For Africa! Interview with KORA CEO Dickson Nsofor That Raised...

Interview with Dickson Nsofor, the founder of Kora

Digital Science Report Reveals Potential Behind Blockchain Technology for Scholarly Communication...

New report considers the developments and varying perspectives of blockchain technology and its possible impact on the academic arena Today, global technology company Digital Science...

Making Blockchain More Environmentally Friendly

Blockchain's main use is still being the technology that is behind the hundred of cryptocurrencies that exists out in the digital markets. It is...

The Occupy Movement 2.0 or How to Create a Post-Capitalist Entrepreneurship

“I have now lost faith in capitalism”. Hard but resolutive, writer Boyd Cohen shares under that premise his vision of how capitalist system has reached a...

Alternative Funding For Entrepreneurs: Equity Crowdfunding and Blockchain Based ICOs

One of the challenges  new entrepreneurs have to face is raising enough money for their business to be able to get off the ground. That...
UN One Blockchain

Blockchain For Humanity Global Challenge by WIN, UNOPS, UN-OICT

Blockchain For Humanity Global Challenge Initiative by WIN UNOPS and UN-OICT Blockchain and DTL related technologies can be used for improving digital identity and solving...

Empowering the Internet of Things With Blockchain

Blockchain has been mentioned by virtually all research firms as a rapidly accelerating evolution in technology, and it’s not just about financial services companies....

4 PR Blockchain Mistakes Even Experts Make

Besides the common belief that there is no bad publicity, one PR mishap can cause much harm. Let’s look at some PR blockchain mistakes...

Crypto Currencies Trading, P2P Asset Management and Social Trading – Covesting

Cryptocurrencies are growing rapidly. Probably faster than even before. The number of cryptocurrencies now in the market have reached outstanding numbers. Just under Initial...

Blockchain Startups and Projects in Alignment with the United Nations SDGs...

The United Nations (UN) has seen the Blockchain technology as one of the best ally it can find against middlemen and the corruption that...