Tag: Blockchain
The Netherlands and UNOPS Blockchain Symposium
Blockchain Symposium, New York, 26th September
The Blockchain Symposium will take place the upcoming 26th of September in New York. The event is organised by...
Tokenomics And ICOs Guide
The world economy and the financial industry are only in its early days of digitalisation and disruption. We are going through a wave of...
This is Why Platform Coops Rely On Blockchain To Save The...
The fundamental pillars of the Sharing Economy have suffered badly in recent years after various missteps. Two of the main companies that wave the...
Blockchain Stands Up Against Cyber-Crime at the Next HackIT Event
Cyber-crime has become a true menace in today's digitally-driven world. In fact, hackers have been able to hit almost every economic sector within the...
This is How Platforms Use Emerging Techs To Disrupt the Cultural...
Netflix binge-watching marathons has become a popular plan for a huge percentage of the 130 million people subscribed to the platform worldwide. At the...
The Future of Blockchain as Seen By Binance Exchange CEO
Blockchain owns some traits that are able to disrupt whole economic sectors. It has been seen in the financial field after the cryptocurrency boom...
Blockchain Technology and the Disruptions It’s Made So Far
The world is still talking about bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general, but there seems to be a consensus already: blockchain technology is the bigger...
Unblocking the Blockchain in the UK
This last week a really refreshing report was released by a British Member of Parliament, Eddie Hughes, about the future of blockchain. The press...
Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange or How to Build an Institutional Crypto-Market
Gibraltar Stock Exchange has finally released to the members of the public its crypto-marketplace, aiming “to position itself as a world-leading institutional-grade token sale...
Building up the True Blockchain through the EOS Platform
Among all potential applications that Blockchain can assist to in the near future, making transactions open, decentralized, faster and without intermediaries is the one...
How Blockchain Can Transform The Creative Industry Into A Fairer Artist-Centred...
Being a famous artist might be one of the main job-of-your-dreams for thousands of talented youngsters, although just few of them know exactly how...
Marketing In The Era Of Innovation: This Is How New Techs...
Marketing should be understood as an always-evolving science. Beyond its practical and profit-driven mission within a company, marketers' main goal is to reach their...
Blockchain Plus AI The Present Future of Tech Part 2
An article in two parts reflecting on the transformational power of blockchain and AI joined together. The first part covered blockchain, whereas the second...
Blockchain Plus AI The Present Future of Tech Part 1
An article in two parts reflecting on the transformational power of blockchain and AI joined together. The first part covers blockchain, whereas the second...
Learning Blockchain: The Oxford Strategy Programme
Learning Blockchain: The Oxford Strategy Programme
While blockchain was first known for its financial applications through cryptocurrencies, it has extended now to a whole range...
A Brief History of Cryptocurrency Trading
Ask most people to define currency, and they will talk about two things – coins and banknotes. These are what most of us think...
Changing the World Through Blockchain: The Sharing Economy Realm – Part...
In the first entry of this 2-part article, we focused on how blockchain technology is empowering platforms that are trying to make the energy...
Changing the World Through Blockchain: The Sharing Economy Realm
This is a two-part article where we will feature companies and start-ups making a real change in the world through blockchain-powered platforms and within...
Cryptocurrencies Are Here To Stay – Here Is Why You Need...
Over the years, cryptocurrencies have received criticism from left right and centre and especially from the governments of different countries. These digital currencies were...
FundRequest lets you Contribute to Open Source and Earn Cryptocurrency
FundRequest, a new platform for incentivizing open-source development, has officially launched their first product: a blockchain powered integration with GitHub that allows developers to...
Tackling Climate Change: The Blockchain Efficiency
It has just been released that this Spring has been the third warmest in the Northern Hemisphere in 138 years of modern record-keeping. A...
Top Entrepreneurs In Business Intelligence
Business intelligence can be defined as a technology-driven process that allows to analysis data in order to present tools and resources to directors, managers...
Blockchain Economic Forum: Bridging Blockchain with the Global Economy
Blockchain can be considered the most disruptive technology since the invention of the internet. It features high decentralization schemes while preserves security and privacy...
Moeda’s Cooperative-Driven Cryptocurrency Platform
Taking Cryptocurrencies Back to the People
One of the main goals the team behind Bitcoin aspired for was to create a true decentralized and democratic...