Tag: big data

5 Big Data Technologies to Watch Out For

The volume of data generated by companies today has reached record levels. Both structured and unstructured data are collected from multiple sources, but cannot...

Big Data and Risk Management

The Big Data age is finally here. Information is currently available in unbelievable proportions measured in what is globally known as zettabytes (ZB). One...

Big Data: A Look at the Security Concerns

Big data, without a doubt, is big business. It is indispensable in today’s organizations, which is also exactly the reason why it is a...

How To Do Right By Yourself, No Matter The Career You...

Careers are important to follow, and of course can inform the direction of your life quite significantly. But careers aren’t always the only option...

How Big Data Analysis Helps Compliance & Business Leaders Make Better...

With all the data that large companies and government departments have to hold, business problems become more complex as the security of the data...

How IoT and Big Data Will Usher A New Economic System...

Our current economic system if it had its merits in the past, is now dangerously spiralling into a dead end. Inequality keeps rising even...

Mapping the Innovation: How to build the Statistics of the Future

Innovation might sound something tough to map, or at least, complex. Especially when in most of our minds mapping is about drawing a graphic...

The Collective Intelligence Behind Big Data

A few weeks ago, a brilliant conference took place at Nesta, the UK Agency for Innovation,  in London.  In it, writer and expert Geoff...
Digital and Social Media Strategy by Dinis Guarda

40 Questions How To Define A Digital and Social Media Strategy

40 Questions How To Define A Digital and Social Media Strategy As businesses worldwide are becoming entirely digital transformed having a digital and social...

Fun Facts About Cloud Servers And Why You Need One Before...

Image source: Pexels You might know quite a lot about cloud servers already, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve jumped on board the bandwagon....

Think Big: How Data Will Inherit The Earth

Data is big new right now, and experts from all over the world are weighing in on why they think it’s so important. That’s...

The Transformational Impact Of The Data Center And How Your Business...

Most people in the business world have become familiar with the term data center over the last decade or so. But it’s only in...

Big Data: An Introduction For Business Owners

If you’ve been keeping up with enough business blogs and journals, then you’ve probably noticed the term big data come up a lot. The...

Tech Innovations That Are Changing The Future Of Business

Tech innovations have revolutionised life as we know it. When you think about it there’s no area of your life that has remained untouched...

How Big Data is Being Used to Shape the Digital Classroom

How Big Data and Technology is Changing Education

Is There A Limit To The Power Of Data ?

Big Data Requires Big Visions for Big Change

Analytics Is For People: Interview With George Mathew, COO of Alteryx

George Mathew, the president and COO of Alteryx was one of the speakers at #drivenbydata Summit that occurred at Level 39, One Canada Square...
Internet of Things. Image source: industrial-ip.org/

Is The ‘Internet of Everything’ Leading Us To A Post-Human World...

Everyone’s talking about it: The Internet of Things. Probably all of us by now know what it is. Cisco even ventures to speak about...
Star Treck Big Data

Let’s Talk About Big Data: Welcome To #drivenbydata Summit

London, The 20th Of March
Illustration by Mark Allen Miller

The Human Side of Big Data

Article written by Maria Fonseca and Paula Newton Big data has certainly become a buzz phrase in recent years. Big data allows us to capture...

Guide to Business Intelligence Part 5

Solutions Architecture

How To Map Who You are? Guide to Personal Leadership Part...

Life is a process of understanding yourself through a permanent quest of opening up, of mapping yourself, which enables you to become more aware...

Trends in Big Data, Geography and Augmented Realities

Geography has gone virtual thanks to big data. Cities have become a complex digital web of photographs, descriptions, videos and status updates all on...
Screen Of A Digital Tablet" by patrisyu

14 Enterprise Technologies Happening right now

Despite the fact that business and technology changes and continues to advance at a rate never seen before, New technology adoption, within the enterprise...