Tag: 3d

VR And Medical Education: Danny Goel, Founder Of PrecisionOS, With Dinis...

Danny Goel is the guest in the latest episode of the Dinis Guarda YouTube Podcast. Danny is an orthopaedic surgeon, clinical professor, and keynote...
Most ambitious NTF artist of 2021

Most ambitious NFT artist of 2021

Most ambitious NTF artist of 2021 Who is the most ambitious NTF artist of 2021 ?Broksh, NFT artist and creator of the acclaimed SOLO collection,...

The Present and Future of Classroom Technology

The classroom of today is very different from the classroom of yesterday. New technologies and new teaching strategies have changed the way that lessons...

Professionals Reveal How They Are Benefiting From 3D Printing Technology

Professionals are most commonly using 3D printing technology for prototyping prospective products/parts/components (55%) Thereafter, 43% are applying the applications of 3D printing within...

Seven Major Economic Revolutions Transforming Workforces and Economies

For arguably the past 10,000 years, human development and technological advancement has been on an exponentially-increasing trajectory in terms of improvement and efficiency. At...

5 Disruptive Technologies Shaping Our Future

Throughout the centuries, humans have made tremendous leaps forward in the way we build, interact, and communicate with each other and the world. More...

3D technologies—a revolution

Though invented in 1984, 3d printing became popular only few years ago. Today, it is making a remarkable impact on the scientific world and...

Traditional Marketing: Reasons It Still Works for Businesses Today

Reports of the demise of traditional marketing methods have been greatly exaggerated and if anything, you now have a great opportunity to create a...
9 disruptive technologies Intelligenthq

Nine Disruptive Technologies Changing The World

Change is pretty much a constant state of affairs in the 21st century, and in no area is this truer than that of technological...

Small Business Guide to 3-D Printers

3D printing may seem like an invention for the future, but it is starting to become a reality. It will not be long before...

Innovations in 3D Printing

3D printing may seem like a science fiction fantasy to some, but in fact significant strides have been made in recent years towards developing...

5 Reasons Why Industry 4.0 is a game changer

Without a doubt you would have already started noticing the digital and everyday physical world colliding and merging to give rise to a new...

3D Printing and the Future of Advertising

The rise of 3D printing puts ad practitioners in an awkward position of having to learn how to broaden their vision of brand expression...

The Future is Here: Is that a threat to knowledge?

 Opinion in the UK is currently divided on whether or not progress in manufacturing and digital technology is a good or bad thing. As...