Sunny Gurpreet Singh is the founder of Edifecs, Round.Glass and the visionairy behind the Wholistic Wellbeing concept. Sunny Gurpreet Singh is a serial entrepreneur and wellbeing and corporate wellness leader whose life’s work is focused on sustainability and creating global holistic wellness solutions for humanity.
Sunny Gurpreet Singh mission with RoundGlass is simple, yet ambitious: to “inspire people to embrace a life of #WholisticWellbeing to create a happier, healthier, and more joyful world”. He works to achieve this by investing in and developing new technology, sharing knowledge, and focusing on action for the good of the individual, community, and the wider world. RoundGlass is a company that defines him and his passions.
Sunny Gurpreet Singh Interview Focus
1. You mentioned something very powerful that Life prepared you for that. Can you tell us about you: childhood, background, overview, education…
2. You move from India to the USA, can you tell us about that?
3. Can you tell us about moving to USA to do your studies?
4. When you moved to the USA, you brought the India based spirituality culture, how did you bridge that gap between USA culture and India?
5. How did you Build
6. During the process of building you somehow went from failure to Unicorn; How did you manage failure and brought it back to its feet? What was your secret for that successful comeback?’
7. How did you discover wellbeing and wellness? And how did you come up with the idea of creating -and using- healthtech data?
8. RoundGlass is a “Concept of how to live”. Can you elaborate on this?
9. Holistic wellness is an approach to being healthy that looks at a person’s health in a holistic way. This considers their body, mind and spirit. Attention to all three is needed to stay balanced. You created the concept of “wholistic wellbeing”. Can you elaborate in a summary way?
10. Corporate Wellness is something very dear to you. Can you tell us about how you see this concept?
11. You mentioned that you see in a 20 years vision and journey. Your Vision architecture of round glass tribe, is a journey of bringing wellness to the world. Can you tell us how can we do that in actionable steps?
12. You have been doing a powerful work on Round.Glass sustain and with Round.Glass foundation. Can you tell us about these initiatives?
13. Final words – message of hope.’
Sunny Gurpreet Singh Interview Highlights
About vision behind RoundGlass
RoundGlass is dedicated to empowering and enabling people on their personal wellbeing journey. The company works to achieve this by investing in and developing new technology, sharing knowledge, and focusing on action for the good of the individual, community, and the wider world.
Sunny’s mission with RoundGlass is simple, yet ambitious: to “inspire people to embrace a life of Wholistic Wellbeing to create a happier, healthier, and more joyful world”. What is more, he wants “to transform the prevailing reaction-based approach in the healthcare world to one that’s proactive, focused on prevention in addition to treatment”.
RoundGlass is a company that defines Sunny’s life passions:
“The universe has been kind to me, so my idea with RoundGlass was to give back. I found that the idea of ‘wholistic wellbeing’ was the right way to achieve that and to help others, which is what actually drives me every day. ‘Wholistic wellbeing’ is something that everyone should follow because it makes you feel better; it is all about becoming a better person, mentally, emotionally and physically”.
He does not want the clients to think of RoundGlass the same way they would think of any other company. RoundGlass is a way to implement a concept, a concept of how to live. Using RoundGlass is a way of “getting oneself centred again” and “uncluttering one’s life”.
About wholistic wellbeing
With RoundGlass, Sunny decided to bring the wholistic wellbeing concepts to life. RoundGlass is company that gives people the tools to live good and fulfilling lives. “RoundGlass is a North Star, if you join it and follow it, then your life is sorted. Above all, I feel that wholistic wellness is the next big thing”. Soon, Sunny believes that many companies will have wholistic wellness plans instead of health plans, because that is going to be what people find attractive. “Health plan” is a much narrower concept, and thus does not provide as many benefits.
What is more, according to Sunny:
“Wholistic wellbeing is something that everyone should follow because it makes one feel better; it is all about becoming a better person. Mentally, emotionally, and physically. The wholistic wellbeing notion explores all the verticals, channels, ways that one finds wholeness. This includes meditation, yoga, physical exercise, et cetera. Achieving wholistic wellbeing is like getting a degree in life. It means learning how to live. It gives one tools to answer the following questions: How do I sleep/eat/relax? How do I become a joyful learner for life? How do I give back to nature? How do I give back to the community?”
About the modern work environment
In the modern world it is important to remember that: “Working a lot and hard is never productive. Doing less things, but doing them really well is much more beneficial than working hard. Habits are important. The epidemic of our time is the modern lifestyle, not COVID-19. RoundGlass implements a concept of how to live.”
About his relationship with spirituality
“I was brought up in a Sikh family – an open, giving religion. Therefore, I am a spiritual person by lifestyle. My mum’s one advice to me was: Sunny, no matter what you do in life, never be a crook, never cheat anybody”.
About the corporate culture
RoundGlass has a commercial side where they have to make money, however, they also have a social side – which is just as important. Sunny believes that every corporate should take ownership of one world problem. RoundGlass idea is to showcase the biodiversity of India. What is more, they also have a sports programme for children in India.
“We are building great infrastructure, we are employing great coaches. We are helping kids to become elite sportsmen, or if they do not make it, we will help them get their first job”.
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Sunny Gurpreet Singh Biography
Sunny Gurpreet Singh is the founder of Edifecs, RoundGlass and the visionairy behind the Wholistic Wellbeing concept. Sunny Gurpreet Singh is a serial entrepreneur and wellbeing and corporate wellness leader whose life’s work is focused on sustainability and creating global holistic wellness solutions for humanity. He believes RoundGlass to be the ultimate life project of his.
“Everything that happened in my life up to this point, has been in preparation for RoundGlass. The same way, I was destined to become an entrepreneur. Some people are lucky to find their calling in life early. But for the majority of us, as the journey of life unfolds, we are continuously soul searching. The time spent soul searching is, however, not lost. It prepares you for what your real life purpose is, it shapes you, and it shapes your character”.
“My vision with RoundGlass is to bring wholistic wellness solutions to the world. I want to teach people how to fish, show them how to live fulfilled and happy lives in the modern world”.
When Singh launched Bellevue-based Edifecs in 1996, he set some ambitious goals: no venture capitalists and no debt, but instead, growth and profit every year. He has guided the company through economic downturns and the recession and accomplished his goals: Edifecs is a profitable, self-funded, employee-owned company with no debt—as well as one of the fastest-growing health-care technology companies in the United States.
Edifecs helps improve the ways health-care organizations manage and leverage the information they exchange. It also streamlines and automates manual business processes such as enrollment, claims and payments management. The result? Greatly reduced administrative costs and on-target regulatory compliance without the risk, time and cost of replacing existing IT infrastructure.
His inspiration to launch RoundGlass came from the time when he was going through a challenging time on a professional level. At one point in the early 2000s, Edifecs started to struggle financially, all of which was exacerbated by 9/11. It was a difficult stage in the company’s history. For Sunny, on a personal level, this was a soul-searching stage. Despite already being in talks with bankruptcy lawyers and his friends insisting he left to work for Microsoft, he chose to persist. By 2005, all of Edifecs debts were paid off. During the financial crisis, the company grew aggressively and further expanded. He regards this as a growth story that could inspire many others: “if they could do it then, anyone could”.
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Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of,,, and writes regularly for, Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.