SearchGPT: AI-Driven Search Innovation Anticipated to Revolutionise Market

OpenAI’s SearchGPT, featuring AI-driven real-time information summarisation and interactive queries, has garnered attention on the social media platform ‘X’. Influencers anticipate it may revolutionise the search engine market by offering real-time information summarisation and interactive features. GlobalData highlights both the enthusiasm and concerns surrounding its potential to challenge traditional search engines like Google.

SearchGPT: AI-Driven Search Innovation Anticipated to Revolutionise Market

In the fourth week of July, the social media platform ‘X‘ was abuzz with discussions surrounding OpenAI‘s latest innovation, SearchGPT. This AI-driven search experience, designed to deliver real-time information summarisation, interactive follow-up questions, and visual answers, has been heralded by influencers as a potential revolution in the search engine market. The Social Media Analytics Platform of GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company, has captured this widespread anticipation.

Shreyasee Majumder, Social Media Analyst at GlobalData, notes, “Influencers anticipate that SearchGPT may bring about a notable transformation in the search industry, positioning itself as a groundbreaking alternative to conventional search engines. Their enthusiasm is fueled by the belief that SearchGPT can significantly improve the user experience by consolidating diverse sources of information directly within the platform, potentially accelerating and streamlining the search process. They emphasize the benefits of a user-friendly interface and the potential for reduced costs per query compared to traditional search engines.”

A strategic move by OpenAI

OpenAI‘s introduction of SearchGPT is seen as a strategic manoeuvre, aiming to challenge existing search giants and drive advancements in search technology and content presentation. This new offering is not merely a tool but a catalyst for broader industry evolution. By integrating SearchGPT into ChatGPT for trial purposes, OpenAI is testing the waters of search with a product that combines the familiarity of a search engine with the advanced capabilities of AI.

Shreyasee Majumder further notes, “The new offering reflects a strategic approach by OpenAI, ultimately positioning SearchGPT as a direct challenge to existing search giants and a catalyst for broader industry evolution, driving advancements in search technology and content presentation. However, some influencers are expressing concerns that SearchGPT may struggle with the same issues that have plagued previous attempts to rival Google. They point to the failures of earlier innovations and highlight the persistent challenge of hallucinated AI as a major obstacle.

Influencer opinions on SearchGPT

Jonathan Siddharth, CEO & Co-founder at “Excited to try SearchGPT by @OpenAI! When I played with ChatGPT for the first time, it was clear information retrieval as we knew it was over. I’m surprised by how less I use traditional web search today, beyond browser auto-complete. I’m not sentimental but having worked on search, I feel a bit of nostalgia for inverted indices, keyword-based search, and machine-learned ranking for query-document pairs with feature engineering and model selection/tuning. But, the future will be more fun.”

Amit Goel, Early Stage Investor, 77 Capital: “OpenAI’s new AI-powered search engine could give Google a run for its money. but why is no one talking about @perplexity_ai? Here’s what you need to know first: #SearchGPT will summarise real-time information from various websites, including news sources, with cited links. Users can ask follow-up questions, mirroring the interactive experience of ChatGPT.”

Zoe Kleinman, Technology Editor at BBC: “So, @OpenAI is officially testing the waters of search with SearchGPT. It will be available inside of ChatGPT, as a trial, and not launched as a standalone product. When you see it – well it does have a search engine type feel about it. It’s ChatGPT in real-time including links to sources which run in a column down the side.”

Bilawal Sidhu, Future of Creation & Computing at Metaversity LLC: “Cool demo! Maybe SearchGPT can shake things up in the local search space? Helping you get stuff done in the real world. Good data sources, clean widgets, and super-fast from the looks of it. Wonder how low they can bring down the cost per query vs Google?”

Andriy Burkov, Machine Learning Lead at TalentNeuron: “Look at the ‘success’ of Perplexity and you can imagine the future success of SearchGPT. All wannabe Google killers died miserably. Hallucinative AI (HalAI) is the worst attempt at killing Google I could remember.

Strategic Implications for the Search Industry

The launch of SearchGPT represents a calculated endeavour by OpenAI to disrupt the search engine market and promote a new paradigm in information retrieval. By addressing the limitations of conventional search engines and incorporating advanced AI capabilities, SearchGPT aims to enhance user engagement and satisfaction. The forthcoming trial within ChatGPT will provide valuable insights into its performance and user reception, potentially setting the stage for broader implementation and competition with established players like Google.

While the enthusiasm among influencers suggests a promising future for SearchGPT, the journey ahead will likely involve addressing challenges such as AI hallucinations and refining the platform to meet user expectations. As the search engine landscape evolves, SearchGPT’s innovative approach may indeed become a pivotal force in shaping the future of digital information retrieval.