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Job Seekers are Wary of firms That Recruit on Facebook

Lots of big brands are currently recruiting staff on Facebook. Companies like Oracle, Pepsi and AIG view the social network as an indispensable tool for getting new talent...
CEOs Share Control

#CSuiteStudy: The journey towards a Customer Activated Enterprise

Clients are the “new” business advisors to the Customer Activated Enterprise It's not an accepted practice you would expect to hear these days, but business...

How to Retain Your Best Employees and Create a Transparent Company Culture

Good employees are hard to come by and even harder to replace.  David Niu's TinyPulse is an employee survey program that is designed to...
entrepeneur game intelligenthq

Haas School of Business Berkeley University Research Confirms the Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs are viewed as go-getters, motivated people who know exactly what they want and how they're going to get it.  They are the...

Getting your Online Content Recognized With Keywords, High-Quality Content and Google Authorship – Part...

There is a technique that must be mastered if you want your content to be noticed on Google.  It starts with figuring out where...

Twitter Files IPO – How has the Company Evolved and Should You Invest?

Twitter filed with regulators on September 12th to go public, which means their initial public offering (IPO) is coming soon.  The rumor is they're...

2013 Entrepreneur of the Year awarded to Med-Tech, Startup CEO

Entrepreneurship is neither a science nor an art. It is a practice. – Peter Drucker Entrepreneurism not only requires passion and vision, but demands fundraising...

How to Find Inner Motivation and Achieve your Personal Goals

Finding motivation seems impossible sometimes, like you're at the base of Mount Everest, haven't even begun the climb, and you're already tired.  Everyone has...

Using Introversion to Launch your Personal Brand Forward

You're at a cocktail party.  Waiters circle through the room carrying bursting trays of thin, tall champagne glasses that look like only models and...

World’s Top IT University Business Incubator Announces 11 New Participants

With so much written about the UK and London as a haven for Startups, Ireland's efforts often gets overlooked in the Media, but they...

Oyster Launches Digital Library App with over 100,000 Books

Renting your media has become one of the newest business models for the entertainment industry.  Oyster is now added to the list of media-rental...

Podcast: The Potential Power of wearable gadgets on Marketing

Wikipedia's defines wearable tech as 'clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies'. It’s a very broad term that can refer to technology that...

Nine Top Reasons Why Process Initiatives Fail

Many Firms often start the process excellence journey with huge anticipation, but sometimes fail to maintain the momentum. This failure can sometimes be attributed...

SEO Next Steps for Google

New changes in Google search results have improved the quality of search queries, helped to better detect black-hat spam, tighten up page rank guidelines,...

How the World Tax Codes and Governments are Not Prepared for the Digital and...

Apple CEO Tim Cook testified in late May in front of the Congressional Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations on the company’s corporate tax practices.  Sen....

Top Daily Rituals of the World’s Most Creative People

How do you ignite the creative energies inside of you?  Where are you when creativity strikes the hardest?  Mason Currey, author of the book...

Is Content Success all about Distribution?

FastCompany interviewed Rob Davis, Executive Director of Content Marketing Practice at OgilvyOne gaining some of his insight on interactive content in marketing.  Davis discussess...
Richard Weaver

Business and Personal Growth Coaching Series By Richard Weaver – Part 3 in partnership with Groupe INSEEC London presents: Business and Personal Growth Coaching Series By Richard Weaver. Helping business owners, directors and investors address their business...

The Future is Here: Is that a threat to knowledge?

 Opinion in the UK is currently divided on whether or not progress in manufacturing and digital technology is a good or bad thing. As...
Big Data News

Big Data News: Microsoft, IBM, OpenFlow, DataTorrent

Here is what's trending right now in the Big Data universe. Microsoft: Hadoop 'Cornerstone' Of Big Data's Future Microsoft is committed to Hadoop for the long...
Active trader London Event

Active Trader London Trading Top Event by CityAm

City A.M. launched in September 2005 and operating as an independent media company is the leading London City financial outlet and on a daily basis...

How To Write Thought-Leadership Pieces that Get Published

Thought Leaders have a lot more in common with journalists than you might think when it comes to getting published. Writers hoping to have their...
IBM Country General Manager

IBM Invests in Kenya creating one of Africa’s Key Innovation Center Ecosystem

Earlier this month, IBM opened its first Innovation Center in East Africa, which is a hotbed of start-up activity, and an emerging center of innovation. Located in Nairobi,...

Josh James’s Domo a game changing innovator

“We’re going to make the most significant enterprise tech company since Salesforce.” - Josh James I recently read a great interview with Domo's CMO Heather Zynczak,...