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Strategic Decision Making Under Uncertainty

Strategic Decision Making Under Uncertainty For managers, nothing is more frequent and significant than making strategic decision under uncertainty. We make decisions that impact the...
The Rise Of The Solo Entrepreneur Intelligenthq

The Changing Nature of Work: The Solo Entrepreneur

The independent workforce is growing, and fast. There are many changes that have led to this occurring. One of the most important is the...

Nine Social Media Trends for 2015

As a New Year gets underway, many organisations and entrepreneurs are eager to know what will come next for social media in 2015. In...

The Social Brain Centre

Driving Change By Studying The Social Brain

What Will Our Digital Life Be Like In 2025 ?

With the Internet of Things and the Internet of Everything just around the corner our digital lives are about to transform. Connectivity will soon...

5 Types of Economic Activity Around The World

A Global Perspective on Entrepreneurship, Competitiveness and Development Done by The WEF
A Lighthouse. Image Source:

Innovative Startup Review Of The Week: Carbon Lighthouse

Given what we have all been told about climate change, carbon emissions are a worry for many of us. The good news is that...
Reid Hoffman Image

10 Quotes By Reid Hoffman, The Visionary Network Futurist

Reid Hoffman is one of the most influential and inspiring personalities of the 21st Century. He is best known as the co-founder of LinkedIn,...
social entrepreneurship Image resource: Berkeley University

Grants And Opportunities for Social Entrepreneurs

Social entrepreneurs often have amazing ideas that they believe can change the world – and which probably can, but getting them funded can be...

The Khan Academy: Re-imagining Education

The One World School House
Image source: Andrew Mackinnon

The Institute For New Economic Thinking

Changing The Way We Think About Markets
The statue of liberty is considered to be the first historical civic crowdfunding campaign

Civic Crowdfunding: Funding The World We Live In

In 1885, one of  the most famous New York iconic symbols, the Statue of Liberty was inaugurated. What not a lot of people might...

Will Semantics Save Capitalism ?

Redefining Capitalism Or Creating Shared Value

Transforming William Blake´s Cottage Into A Centre For The Imagination

I first came across the poetry of William Blake in 1989, when studying at an American High School. I was enrolled in an english...

Little Guide to Online Reputation For Social Businesses

Everyone, even those that do not use the Internet all that much have an online reputation. That may be surprising for some to know....

Women and Leadership

Women and Leadership Women and men in leadership roles are different. It shouldn’t come as a bit surprise, after all we are different. What are...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Intelligenthq

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

IntelligentHQ Series on Social Entrepreneurship Foundations - Part 6

Is The Sharing Economy Here To Stay ?

“Making sense of the UK Collaborative Economy” an event and new report promoted by Nesta
Ashoka Foundation Intelligenthq

Foundation Ashoka: Innovators For The Public

Ashoka, Innovators for the Public
The Promising 3.0 World of Ethereum Intelligenthq

The Promising 3.0 World of Ethereum

Ethereum is a revolutionary concept that is being developed by a 19 year old hacker, named Vitalik Buterin, and it is set to transform...

The Intelligent Series On the Robot Economy Part 1

Algorithms, AI, Robots, And A World Without "Work"

Using A Mobile Credit Card Reader: Is It Worth the Risk?

  Over $5 billion is stolen through credit card fraudulence around the world each year, according to Statistic Brain. It is no wonder why there...

Guide to Creativity in Business Part 2

How to Foster Creativity

How The Internet of Things Will Impact Business Part 1

An MIT Technology Review of The Internet of Things Part 1