interview - search results

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How Green Search Engines Like Ecosia, Are Helping the Environment By Planting Trees

Green Search Engines, are search engines that help charitable, social or ecological causes. These are becoming really popular due to increased awareness from people...

Brazil 4.0 ? Creative Industries and Innovation in Brazil

I participated recently as a keynote speaker at the 1º Tech Art Festival, an event that celebrated the opening of "Fábrica do Futuro", an...

Karen Uhlenbeck Is The First Woman Ever To Win the ‘Nobel Prize of Math’

Science, technology, engineering, and math have been historically male-dominated fields, but trailblazers like Karen Uhlenbeck are proving that they don’t have to be. Uhlenbeck...

Top 15 Python Libraries for Data Science in 2019

In the world that we live in, the power of big data is fundamental to success for any venture, whether a struggling start-up or...

Kevin Kelly The Futurist Prophet

You might not have ever heard his name, but Kevin Kelly has been considered by some a modern-day prophet. He is an important influencer...

The 8 Best Ways to hire Great People

  For you to be able to recruit great employees, you need creativity and diligence. Technology has made it easy for you to connect to...

Francesca Giobbi, Social Impact Fashion Visionary, Founder of Freedomee Part 2

Francesca Giobbi is an Italian Brazilian fashion designer and producer, recognized by leading personalities and brands. She began her career at 18 years old when...

Francesca Giobbi, Social Impact Fashion Visionary, Founder of Freedomee Part 1

Francesca Giobbi is a global fashion designer and serial entrepreneur. Meeting Francesca is like meeting an inspiring being. She is the founder of the...

How to Find a Business Partner for Your Fashion Business

Being in the fashion business is challenging. There are a bunch of things to prepare, and sometimes you can't do it alone. You can...

How Governments Are Adopting Blockchain and AI In Advanced Economies Part 2

Governments in advanced countries are adopting Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence at a rapid pace. From Estonia, to Malta, The Netherlands to the United...

How MBA Students Can Make Their LinkedIn Page Irresistible to Recruiters

When you think of LinkedIn, what comes to mind? Do you think it’s just another social media site? Or are you using it as...

Is Fair Finance a Myth for the UK’s Entrepreneurs/People in Need Of Credit ?

The financial collapse of 2008 saw the UK’s bank-lending system suffer a catastrophic demise, manifesting with the vast majority of consumer lending cut off...

The Future Of Education: Unlocking Innovations that Expand Student Networks

All research and investigation into the future of education, tends to focus in technology. But actually in 2018, we have now amazing sophisticated technological...

Save Your Customers Money And They Will Thank You

It goes without saying that a business should always be on the lookout for ways to save money - by doing so for your...

How to Bounce Back From a Business Slump

While business life certainly can go up and down, the decrease just seems so much longer than the increase. Sometimes, however, your business is...

Shivom: Blockchain Start-up For The Next-Generation Genomic Services

At a time when discussions about data privacy and security are more important than ever, there is one particular type of data that is...

Journeying Through The History of Organisations at the Kairos Project: “Reinventing Organisations, An Experiential...

I recently participated in Reinventing Organisations, an experiential workshop, which was organised by the Kairos Project on October 5th, 2018. The workshop was led...

How to Build a Great Team At your Business

From the ground up, you have taken your initial business idea and turned it into both a promising and growing enterprise. Now that you...

Superintelligence Must Only Be Developed for the Benefit of Humanity Says Oxford University Professor

In an exclusive interview with CMRubinWorld founder C. M. Rubin, Professor Nick Bostrom at the Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University in England discusses...

What is an IT Security Audit?

You’ve probably experienced the trauma that comes along with an IT security audit. If you have, then you’ll agree that technical reviews involved in...

How Executive Hopefuls Are Becoming More Prepared to Tackle the Role

Having a goal to one day sit in an executive position in your industry of choice is something that many people have. Of course,...

A Call to Action for Global Leadership

Leaders schooled in rational, left-brained thinking need to adapt to changing political, social and technological forces. This requires not only the ability to drill...

Hacking The DNA of Humanity with Blockchain and AI

DNA, the famous double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of all living beings, is fundamentally, ...

The Future of Blockchain as Seen By Binance Exchange CEO

Blockchain owns some traits that are able to disrupt whole economic sectors. It has been seen in the financial field after the cryptocurrency boom...