The Top 50 People Most Mentioned on Twitter by Mid-Size Marketers

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    The Top 50 People Most Mentioned on Twitter by Mid-Size Marketers

    Smart business owners know that engaging people on social media is critical to success. Customers are ever more interested in interacting with companies, sharing their feedback and becoming more involved with the brand. Those that can leverage social media effectively already stand head and shoulders above the brand. In a nutshell, as Simon Mainwaring, a leading brand consultant and social media whizz puts it:

    “The new dynamics between brands and consumers, driven by social media, are proving to be a powerful impetus for change”.

    In 2014 Leadtail, in search of social media insights conducted a study to understand how mid-size company marketers use social media to show themselves as thought leaders and people to be followed. The goal was to focus on companies of 50 to 5,000 employees to understand the trends and behaviours associated with marketing and decision making at this level. In trying to gain important insights to help other companies better understand how to do social media well, the study looked at a number of different areas, for example:

    • How do marketers at mid-size companies describe themselves on social media sites?
    • Which social media sites do marketers at these companies use to spread the word?
    • What do these marketers talk about, in terms of other people and topics of focus?
    • What types of media sources do these people use and share with others?
    • What people and other brands appear to have the most influence on these marketers?

    There were a number of interesting take away learnings from the study. Of perhaps the most enlightening is that these mid-sized marketers had actual personas online. They were authentic. As Leadtail puts it:

    “The social profiles of marketers from mid-size companies provide insights into both their professional interests and the topics they are passionate about in their personal lives (like sports, comedy and culture”.

    The type of content that these marketers share is also of interest. It seems that in engaging people on Twitter, these marketers that were able to grab the attention of so many others had a focus on business and strategy. Interestingly however, mainstream media was the top category of content type shared with 43% of all content shared fitting into this type. Favourite sources for such information were Forbes, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and BuzzFeed. Perhaps unsurprisingly, industry media accounted for 34% of the shares, and social media itself, 18%. Popular industry sources were Mashable, Business Insider, Adweek, TechCrunch and Ad Age. Meanwhile, the most popular social media shares were YouTube videos.

    Understanding who does social media marketing well is helpful in building your own strategy. By knowing who the top 50 people mentioned on Twitter are you can review what they do and emulate it in your own style. The important part is in your own style. Copying others is inauthentic and unlikely to engage.
    So, who are these people top 50 people most mentioned on Twitter by mid-size marketers? They are:

    1. Gary Vaynerchuk @garyvee
    2. Jay Baer @jaybaer
    3. @MarketingProfs
    4. Vala Afshar @ValaAfshar
    5. Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael
    6. Jack Dorsey @jack
    7. Jeff Bullas @jeffbullas
    8. Guy Kawasaki @GuyKawasaki
    9. Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi
    10. Ted Rubin @TedRubin
    11. Jeremiah Owyang @jowyang
    12. Mark W. Schaefer @markwschaefer
    13. Kent Huffman @KentHuffman
    14. Brian Solis @briansolis
    15. Belle Beth Cooper @BelleBCooper
    16. Augie Ray @augieray
    17. Ian Gertler @IanGertler
    18. Chris Brogan @chrisbrogan
    19. Dave Kerpen @DaveKerpen
    20. Margaret Molloy @MargaretMolloy
    21. Michael Brito @Britopian
    22. Brian Morrissey @bmorrissey
    23. R Ray Wang @rwang0
    24. Brian Kardon @bkardon
    25. Marissa Mayer @marissamayer
    26. Marc Benioff @Benioff
    27. Mitch Joel @mitchjoel
    28. Cheryl K. Burgess @ckburgess
    29. Gini Dietrich @ginidietrich
    30. Ann Handley @annhandley
    31. Lee Odden @leeodden
    32. Christopher S. Penn @cspenn
    33. Jon Miller @jonmiller
    34. DJ Waldow @djwaldow
    35. Jimmy Fallon @jimmyfallon
    36. Sheryl Sandberg @sherylsandberg
    37. Unmarketing @unmarketing
    38. Peter Shankman @petershankman
    39. Bryan Kramer @bryankramer
    40. David Armano @armano
    41. Kerry Gorgone @KerryGorgone
    42. Glen Gilmore @GlenGilmore
    43. Jill Rowley @jill_rowley
    44. Stan Phelps @9INCHmarketing
    45. Scott Brinker @chiefmartec
    46. Adam Singer @AdamSinger
    47. David Ortiz @davidortiz
    48. Dick Costello @dickc
    49. Jeffrey Hayzlett @JeffreyHayzlett
    50. Shel Israel @shelisrael

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