Daniel Liu is the Director of INFLUXO, a premier NFT creative studio and partner of INBlockchain, one of the most influential investment groups in the Asian crypto space, incubating blockchain projects like BigONE, RumSystem, MobileCoin, and Mixin. Before his asset management, compliance and angel investment experience in the blockchain space, he worked for Deutsche Bank and other financial institutions and investment firms in Europe. Daniel studied in Frankfurt am Main and Stuttgart in Germany and Wuhan in China and holds an MA from Frankfurt School of Finance.
Daniel Liu Interview Focus
1. Can you tell us about your background and education?
2. Career highlights – How did you come across blockchain and cryptocurrencies?
3. About INFLUXO, organisations and focus?
4. How did you approach football legend Ronaldinho and decided to create an NFT based on him?
5. What are your views of today’s China blockchain and crypto ecosystem?
6. What are your views on NFTs?
7. What are the types of NFTs you think will bring more attention and hype?
8. In your opinion, what are the challenges NFTs face?
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Daniel Liu Biography
Daniel Liu studied Business in Germany, in Frankfurt and in Stuttgart. Starting off in the financial sector, Daniel secured a position in Deutsche Bank. After a while and from his involvement in the financial industry, he discovered blockchain and cryptocurrencies.
That first experience with blockchain took him to investigate and research more in these two technologies. He then decided to move back to China and become an entrepreneur working with blockchain and cryptocurrency projects. Back in Asia, he took roles in different companies as asset manager, compliance and angel investor, adding it to his experience in the blockchain space.
Daniel Liu went on to co-found INFLUXO, a premier NFT creative studio and partner of INBlockchain. Through INBlockchain, one of the most influential investment groups in the Asian crypto space, incubating blockchain projects like BigONE, RumSystem, MobileCoin, and Mixin, Daniel got in touch with celebrities and different athletes to propose them creating NFTs based on them. That is how they got to create a series of NFTs with Football Legend Ronaldinho.
About NFT Ronaldinho NFT collection
“INFLUXO is breaking the mold as far as NFT platforms by making the process from creation to auction easier than ever before with unprecedented opportunities to own virtual collectibles that lead to real world experiences,” said Daniel Liu, partner at INBlockchain and CEO of INFLUXO. “Our trusted platform, seamless user experience and trusted team of investors and developers has allowed us to secure Ronaldinho for the platform’s first collection and we’re thrilled to show what’s in store for the future of digital collectibles.”
The Ronaldinho NFTs collection details and prices
“The live auction and also the stock-share for the Ronaldhino’s masterpieces and his unique magic sport series cards will be announced, I believe, at the end of this month, or at the start of next month. So there will be two product lines for this special INFLUXO Ronaldhino auctions: there will be, first, masterpieces, and the second is the magic sport card series. The masterpieces are kind of masterpieces NFTs and they will be available for the auction. The starting price is 20k USDT, so people should pay in USDT. But of course, we provide a very easy and convenient crypto credit card payment system for you to purchase cryptos from the credit cards in the unit of USDT. So they are going to bid for those masterpieces. So that’s one kind. And also another product line is the magic sport series magic cards and those card editions depicting Ronaldinho different kinds of sports, so not only just football, but also his favourite sports like e-sports.”
How INFLUXO’s NFT Creative Process Works
“In terms of the Ronaldhino collection, Ronaldhino, he granted us the IP, the image rights, the likeness rights of his NFTs, and then, we searched for artists, for how we can take those IPs into the real products. So that’s our working process. And then we will put those NFTs into our own marketplaces and of course, we are in talks with other big NFT marketplaces like OpenSea and NFTGateway to finance those NFTs and to issue those NFTs. So INFLUXO, in this value chain creation process, we are an issuer, so we are an issuer like Paramount or other filmmakers.”
INFLUXO is a premier NFT creative studio with its own integrated marketplace, backed by a team of investors including INBlockchain, an investment group dominating the Asian blockchain space and technologies from BigONE, a global cryptocurrency exchange that provides a platform for trading various cryptocurrencies.
INFLUXO caters to producing quality collectible collections and one-of-a-kind masterpieces in select collaborations with sports and entertainment personalities to generate exclusive opportunities between devoted supporters and featured collaborators. Backed by a team of investors including INBlockchain, an investment group dominating the Asian blockchain space and technologies from BigONE, a global digital asset trading platform, INFLUXO is a pioneer of the future of digital collectibles. The INFLUXO Marketplace features robust payments rails, a proprietary NFT wallet and a secured bidding history as well as transactions on the Ethereum and RumSystem blockchain, which help the platform serve as an intersection of the metaverse and the universe.
INFLUXO’s main function is to serve as a trusted partner to influential clients, providing complete digital asset solutions for creating a unique NFT experience for star athletes, entertainers and their fans. The tech-driven creative studio capitalizes on working with top-tier production designers to create individually crafted masterpieces as well as collectable items to be sold on its Marketplace during a live auction. The first collection, INFLUXO x Ronaldinho, will feature exclusive pieces featuring the Brazilian soccer star, with additional collections to be announced at a later date.
INFLUXO caters to producing officially licensed collectible editions and one-of-a-kind masterpieces in select collaborations with sports and entertainment personalities to generate exclusive opportunities between devoted supporters and featured collaborators. INFLUXO aims to release virtual NFT, tangible collectibles and experiences of celebrities to link the virtual and real world.
Daniel Liu Links and Sources
About citiesabc.com
About openbusinesscouncil.org
4IR: AI Blockchain Fintech IoT Reinventing a Nation by Dinis Guarda and Rais Hussin (4irbook.com)
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Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of openbusinesscouncil.org, tradersdna.com, hedgethink.com, and writes regularly for intelligenthq.com, socialmediacouncil.eu. Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.