How To identify and fix slow queries in MySQL after migrating from an older version?

Migrating to a newer version of MySQL often promises improved performance, but it can sometimes lead to unexpected slowdowns in query execution. This issue frequently arises when moving from MySQL 5.7 to newer versions like 8.0 or MariaDB 10.6. Identifying and fixing slow queries post-migration involves analyzing query execution plans, reviewing table structures, and optimizing indexes.

Database administrators and developers often notice certain queries that previously ran quickly now take significantly longer to execute, sometimes by orders of magnitude. This performance degradation can be particularly noticeable with complex queries.

To address these issues, it’s crucial to use tools like the EXPLAIN command to examine query execution plans. Creating appropriate indexes, especially for columns in WHERE clauses, can dramatically improve query performance. Additionally, reviewing and possibly adjusting MySQL configuration settings may help optimize overall database performance. For complex cases, consulting with MySQL support services provided by Shattered Silicon or other trustable support providers can give expert guidance in resolving persistent performance problems.

How To identify and fix slow queries in MySQL after migrating from an older version?

Key Takeaways

  • Analyze slow queries using EXPLAIN to understand execution plans
  • Optimize indexes, particularly for columns in WHERE clauses
  • Review and adjust MySQL configuration settings for better performance

Understanding and Identifying Slow Queries in MySQL

Slow queries can significantly impact database performance and user experience. Identifying these queries is crucial for optimizing MySQL after migration.

Profiling the MySQL Server Performance

Enabling the slow query log is essential for capturing problematic queries. Set long_query_time to a low threshold value, typically 1 second or less. This logs queries exceeding this duration.

The slow_query_log system variable activates logging. Specify the log file path using slow_query_log_file. Consider enabling log_slow_admin_statements to include administrative commands.

Use pt-query-digest to analyze slow query logs. This tool aggregates similar queries, providing a summary of execution statistics like query_time, rows_examined, and lock_time.

Monitor global variables and hardware resource usage. Check ‘SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS’ for insights into InnoDB performance and potential bottlenecks.

Analyzing Slow Queries with EXPLAIN

EXPLAIN is a powerful tool for understanding query execution plans. It reveals how MySQL processes SELECT statements, showing table access methods and join operations.

Key EXPLAIN output columns include:

  • possible_keys: Potential indexes for the query
  • key: The chosen index
  • rows: Estimated number of examined rows
  • filtered: Percentage of rows filtered by table conditions

Examine the ‘type’ column to identify inefficient table scans. Aim for ‘ref’ or ‘range’ instead of ‘ALL’. Large ‘rows’ values may indicate missing or ineffective indexes.

Use EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON for more detailed information on query costs and optimizer decisions. This can help pinpoint specific areas for optimization.

Utilizing Performance Schema and Logs

Performance Schema offers real-time insights into query execution. Enable it by setting performance_schema=ON in the MySQL configuration file.

Key tables for query analysis:

  • events_statements_summary_by_digest: Aggregated query statistics
  • events_statements_history: Recent statement events

Query these tables to identify frequently executed or resource-intensive statements. Look for high values in columns like SUM_TIMER_WAIT or AVG_ROWS_SENT.

Combine Performance Schema data with slow query logs for comprehensive analysis. This approach provides both historical data and real-time performance metrics.

Use MySQL Workbench or third-party tools to visualize Performance Schema data. These tools can help identify trends and patterns in query performance over time.

Optimizing Queries and Database Structure

Improving query performance and database structure is crucial for maintaining a responsive MySQL system after migration. This involves refining indexes, optimizing schemas, and leveraging advanced tools.

Index Optimization Techniques

Creating efficient indexes is key to faster query execution. Analyze slow queries to identify frequently used columns in WHERE, JOIN, and ORDER BY clauses. Create indexes on these columns to speed up data retrieval.

Use composite indexes for queries that filter on multiple columns. Ensure the most selective column is first in the index. Drop unused indexes to reduce overhead during INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

Consider covering indexes for queries that only access indexed columns. This allows MySQL to retrieve data directly from the index without accessing the table.

Schema and Query Refinement

Normalize tables to reduce data redundancy and improve update performance. However, consider selective denormalization for read-heavy workloads to minimize JOINs.

Optimize SELECT statements by only retrieving necessary columns. Avoid using SELECT * as it can lead to unnecessary data transfer.

Refine WHERE clauses to use indexed columns effectively. Use EXPLAIN to understand query execution plans and identify areas for improvement.

Replace subqueries with JOINs where possible, as JOINs often perform better in MySQL. Use LIMIT to restrict the number of rows returned for large result sets.

Optimize data types by using the smallest type that can store your data. This reduces storage requirements and improves query performance.

Advanced Optimization Tools and Practices

Utilize Percona Toolkit for advanced query analysis and optimization. It offers tools like pt-query-digest to identify problematic queries and suggest improvements.

Implement Shattered Silicon Monitoring (SSM) for real-time MySQL performance monitoring and query analytics. This helps identify bottlenecks and track query performance over time.

Adjust MySQL configuration parameters in my.cnf to optimize buffer sizes and memory usage. Increase innodb_buffer_pool_size for better InnoDB performance.

Use OPTIMIZE TABLE periodically to reorganize table data and update index statistics. This is especially important for tables with frequent INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations.

Consider partitioning large tables to improve query performance and manageability. Partitioning can significantly speed up queries that operate on specific partitions.


Identifying and fixing slow queries is crucial when migrating MySQL to newer versions. Performance issues can arise due to changes in query optimization or indexing strategies. Careful analysis of execution plans, table structures, and query patterns is essential. With proper monitoring, tuning, and indexing, most slow query problems can be effectively resolved, ensuring optimal database performance after migration.