How Opening Data on Agriculture And Nutrition can Help Solve Global Hunger

Traditional Asian farmer Google Images
Traditional Asian farmer Google Images

It is known that the world produces enough food for everyone but why do 800 million in the world still go to bed hungry? GODAN says one possible answer to end this suffering – opening data on agriculture and nutrition – which will also stimulate global GDP by $6 trillion.

What is GODAN

GODAN resulted from the 2012 G-8 Summit, when the G-8 leaders committed to the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, the next phase of a shared commitment to achieving global food security. As part of this commitment, they agreed to “share relevant agricultural data available from G-8 countries with African partners and convene an international conference on Open Data for Agriculture, to develop options for the establishment of a global platform to make reliable agricultural and related information available to African farmers, researchers and policymakers, taking into account existing agricultural data systems.”

In April 2013, the commitment to convene an international conference on Open Data for Agriculture was fulfilled when the G8 International Conference on Open Data for Agriculture took place.

This conference worked to obtain commitment and action from nations and relevant stakeholders to promote policies and invest in projects that open access to publicly funded global agriculturally relevant data streams, making such data readily accessible to users in Africa and world-wide, and ultimately supporting a sustainable increase in food security in developed and developing countries.

The GODAN initiative was a by-product of this conference and was announced at the Open Government Partnership Conference in October 2013.

Infographic done by GODAN

The GODAN Summit

The GODAN Summit will be held on 15th and 16th September in New York City, New York. The Summit will bring together world leaders, researchers, farmers, students and others public, private and non-profit united around a collaboration on agriculture and nutrition data openness. Join the largest event ever planned for open data in agriculture and nutrition. The goals of the Summit are to illustrate the opening, the use, and the importance of agriculture and nutrition data. For more information:

The GODAN Summit 2016 will showcase the impact of open data for agriculture and nutrition is making around the world. The summit includes high-level speeches, a hackathon, exhibits and the unveiling of the results from an online open-data revolution. Natasha Mudhar, Media Spokesperson for GODAN, said:

“Open data is key to innovation in agriculture and nutrition – and hence, in promoting food security – by
improving farming methods, enhancing food production and providing better information and advice on nutritional methods. GODAN’s powerful and pivotal public summit event will advance the agenda for
open data in agriculture and nutrition.”

According to the World Bank some Key numbers about world hunger are the following:

  • 800 million: people in the world are starving – that’s over 11% of the global population
  • 1.3 billion tonnes: Global food wastage a year – that’s roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption
  • 9 billion: Our population is projected to reach 9 billion by 2050 but 80% of our arable land is already in use so we need an alternative to producing more food
  • 68%: The US and China alone represent 68% of all of the patent documents associated with crop breeding around the world. These two countries are larger than the closest competing country by at least a factor of five.
  • $680 billion in industrialized countries and $310 billion in developing countries worth of food wasted

The key questions to ask are:

  • Why are governments hiding this data that could end world hunger?
  • How can data truly better agriculture and farming in 3rd world countries?
  • There is enough food in the world so why are 800 million people hungry?
  • Technology really is saving the world, but how?
  • How will open data affect health issues globally?
  • What does this mean for the agriculture industry? Please do use the attached case studies and let us know if you require any further information.

To attend the Summit (schedule attached) free of charge, register here  Code: PRESS.

For accreditation to the UN High Level Forum:

For further information, please contact:

Natasha Mudhar

Sterling Media
Tel: +44 207 801 0077

You can learn  more about GODAN at:

Twitter: @godanSec
Hashtag: #GODANSummit2016 / #GODANPetition
LinkedIn: GODAN Secretariat
Instagram: godansec