How is AI Helping the iGaming Industry Grow?

iGaming is a hugely profitable and ever-growing industry. While land-based casinos and betting shops have existed for a long time, gambling experienced a huge boom with the digital age. There are interactive slots, live casino games, unique bonuses and promotions, as well as dedicated customer support. 

As the industry grows, its challenges and opportunities grow, too, particularly in areas like user experience and security. That’s why iGaming operators have been keen to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to its offerings and to support its customers. But, how exactly is AI going to help the iGaming industry grow?

How is AI Helping the iGaming Industry Grow?

Increased Security & Fraud Detection

Without a doubt, one of the most important ways how AI benefits the iGaming industry is in security and fraud detection. iGaming is an industry where huge amounts of money are shared, as well as sensitive user data, so maintaining a secure environment is critical. That’s where AI can help.

AI-powered tools can improve the iGaming industry’s protection against cyber threats. For example, machine learning algorithms can analyse patterns of behaviour and flag suspicious activities in real time. In iGaming, these algorithms can detect unusual betting and wagering patterns, multiple account creations, and bonus abuse.

The AI-powered identity verification systems can be applied in the iGaming industry too, as they became pretty sophisticated. Online casinos and betting sites can take advantage of facial recognition, document verification, and behavioural biometrics to ensure that players are who they claim to be. This will further help them comply with strict regulatory requirements, such as Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML).

Customer Support with AI Chatbots

Another notable area where AI can help the iGaming industry is customer support. Online casinos are aware that customer support is key to keeping players on site, and AI can help build trust and credibility with them. This can be achieved through the AI-powered chatbots, which are already used by more than half of the online casinos across the world.

AI chatbots are useful because they’re available 24/7, unlike humans that have working hours. Therefore, players can receive instant response at any time, whether it’s for an issue or registration process. On top of that, AI-powered chatbots can offer real-time assistance during gameplay, further improving the user experience on the casino site.

A study by Servion predicts that by 2025, 95% of customer interactions in the banking, insurance, and gaming sectors will be handled by AI. In the iGaming industry specifically, chatbots can reduce customer support costs by up to 30% while improving response times and customer satisfaction at the same time.

As we mentioned above, the chatbots go beyond just answering the frequently asked questions (FAQs). They can now understand context and give unique responses to every player, thanks to advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. 

For example, AI can help businesses curate a list of the best slot apps that are individual to the user intent. It can suggest slot apps based on user preferences and can dynamically update recommendations as users interact with different apps.

Personalised Bonuses & Promotions

Last but not least, AI can assist online casinos in delivering personalised bonuses and promotions, as well as improve the whole gaming experience to their players. That’s because AI algorithms can analyse individual player spending patterns and then can offer promotions that resonate with them.

For instance, if a player frequently engages in online slot games, AI can offer them free spins or deposit matches for those games. This personalisation improves player satisfaction and increases engagement and retention rates.

What’s Next in Store For AI in iGaming?

The future of AI in iGaming is very exciting, and there are several developments to look forward to. As AI systems become more knowledgeable, they will offer more advanced personalisation tools. For example, online casinos might be able to create entirely customised games based on a player’s preferences and playing style.

Another important advancement in the iGaming industry is the integration of virtual and augmented reality. Some casinos already started implementing these tools, so it’s expected that AI will give us a more innovative gameplay with intelligent non-player characters (NPCs). 

As you can see, the potential applications of AI in iGaming are limitless. One thing is for sure – AI will not stop helping the iGaming industry grow, thus creating a more secure end responsible environment for gamers worldwide.