How Have Businesses Managed to Sustain Digital Transformation During the Pandemic ?

How Have Businesses Managed to Sustain Digital Transformation During the Pandemic ?

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for many companies, who set out to find new ways of working after their traditional methods went obsolete. How Have Businesses Managed to Sustain Digital Transformation During the Pandemic ?

How Have Businesses Managed to Sustain Digital Transformation During the Pandemic?

How Have Businesses Managed to Sustain Digital Transformation During the Pandemic?

In response to the chaos and disruption throughout society the virus has caused over the past 18 months, it has led to businesses having to find ways to adapt to the challenges concerning digital transformation and during that time, some of the best business leaders from across Europe managed to do exactly that! To get a deeper understanding, you can check out how Europe’s best leaders achieved digital transformation here.

With new advances in cloud technology, organisations are able to move away from legacy systems and switch to a cloud-native model. Cloud-based architectures have been at the forefront for years now and are here to stay.

They provide developers with more opportunities than ever before, as well as increased security. The cloud has turned the way we do business upside down. The ability to scale without limit, deploy new features at a moment’s notice and automate processes make our lives easier.

5 Ways how businesses manage to cope and sustain digital transformation during the pandemic

1. Remote work capability

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic caused a rapid shift to full-time remote work for many businesses. This event has provided an opportunity in which we can observe how some people were already working remotely before this occurrence.

Remote work capabilities have become a staple for many businesses in order to enable employees to continue working from home, if needed. This has been especially important during the pandemic as employees are able to avoid potential exposure to the virus.

In addition, it has allowed businesses to continue operations even if certain employees are unable to come into the office.

  1. Telecommuting

Another way businesses have been able to continue operations during the pandemic is by telecommuting. This involves employees working from home, but still having access to all of the necessary tools and resources they need in order to do their job.

By using telecommuting, businesses are able to reduce their carbon footprint and maintain efficient operations without sacrificing the needs of employees.

There are many reasons why most businesses should consider telecommuting. Not only does it help with the economic cost of hiring people, but also increase profitability by reducing overhead costs and maintaining efficiency at the workplace.

Telecommunications companies have made great strides in recent years because they know how important remote workers can be for any business that needs to expand or stay competitive. To not lose out on these opportunities we need more awareness about what new technologies could do.

  1. “Open Door” policy

A third way businesses have been able to cope with the pandemic is through an open door policy. This means that employees are encouraged to come into work unless they show symptoms of the virus or their doctor recommends otherwise.

In addition, businesses have been encouraging employees to work from home, if possible. By doing this, businesses are able to maintain a sense of normalcy for their employees and ensure that their operations are not disrupted.

  1. Social distancing

Social Distancing is the new approach to marketing and sales. With your strategy identified, you need a strategic plan that includes social media channels like Twitter or Facebook in order for it to be successful!

Gone are the days where companies could send out bulk emails without thinking about what they were going to say next with their message – now every post online must have some sort of purpose behind its creation.

  1. Workforce management

In the pandemic’s wake, businesses are now able to invest in project management communication tools that will maintain productivity. As such we’re seeing a rise of collaborative efforts between employees who take on more tasks and those with fewer responsibilities as they work together towards their goals. In recent years since this global health crisis has hit there’s been an accelerated digitisation trend.

It is also important for businesses to be able to effectively manage their workforce during the pandemic. Creating a flexible work schedule is one way this can be done.

This allows employees to work when they are able to, instead of having to come in during certain hours. In addition, it is important for businesses to be able to contact employees easily in order to get updates on their status. By doing this, businesses can ensure that they are able to maintain a consistent level of productivity, even during the pandemic.

As the pandemic continues, there are many ways that businesses can cope with it and digital transformation during the pandemic . Companies must consider telecommuting to reduce the economic cost of hiring people and to maintain efficiency at the workplace.

The telecommunications companies have made great strides in recent years because they know how important remote workers can be for any business that needs expansion or to stay competitive. So, there is a need to make awareness about what new technologies could do, especially during this pandemic’s aftermath.

Another way is by implementing an “open door” policy that allows employees to come into work unless they show symptoms of the virus or their doctor recommends otherwise. It gives a sense of normalcy and connectedness to the company.

This helps reduce the risk of getting infected and also lets customers know that the company is taking pandemic precautions seriously. In terms of workforce management, businesses should consider creating a flexible work schedule that employees can follow according to their needs.

That way people who are able to come in during certain hours can do so, while those who cannot come in on a regular basis can still contribute to the company’s productivity remotely.