Get More Clients For Your Law Firm

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    Get More Clients For Your Law Firm

    Image from Wikimedia

    When newly qualified attorneys try to set up their practice, many of them seem to miss out a crucial factor. Obviously, putting in a lot of hours and winning cases is important, but something’s missing. Many private lawyers completely forget that they need to work at generating business, and not just wait for it to fall in their lap! If you’re about to start your practice, then here’s how to attract clients.

    First of all, networking. As a lawyer, you need to remember that everyone you meet can end up being a potential client. The need for a lawyer often springs up on people unexpectedly. When this happens, they’re much more likely to remember someone they’ve met in person than an ad they saw. You probably have an ideal client in mind, so get out there and find them! There are many resources out there for finding networking opportunities. Meetup, for example, is a website devoted entirely to networking events with particular focusses. Find a few groups that seem like they’d have a lot of prospective clients. Attend their events, give out cards, and try to become a familiar face within these groups.

    Image source: Pixabay

    For lawyers, referrals are one of the best sources for new clients. However, if you don’t have a large clientele, referrals are going to be pretty few and far between. The cure for this is more networking, except not with potential clients. You should also be doing a lot of networking with other lawyers. Join a local bar association, and start going to all of their events. Talking to other attorneys who are just starting out could be the source of some good tips. Either that, or you can try learning from their mistakes! Talking to more established lawyers can also be beneficial. Many of them will have monstrous workloads. If you make a good enough impression, they might push a few clients your way. The best thing you can hope for is a kind of partnership, where you and another attorney refer each other clients who you can’t take yourself.

    Image source: Pixabay

    Make sure you’re not neglecting any online marketing tactics. Every day, millions of people search for law firms on Google and other search engines. Obviously you understand the huge potential here! The trick is to have your website coming up on their radar when they’re ready to hire someone. There are many methods for doing this, and a combination is usually the best way to go. Pay-per-click advertising is pretty effective for lawyers. You wouldn’t click on an ad for a law firm just to do some window shopping! Law firm SEO is a niche that’s quickly becoming more and more popular, mainly for the great results it gets! Any kind of online marketing will help, but shop around before hiring someone. Just because they’re offering a service doesn’t mean it will be a good investment!

    Image source: Pixabay

    I hope these tips get your law firm off to a great start. Getting established in law can be tough. After this though, your marketing will take care of itself!

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