From The Corporate World To The Amazon Forest: Interview With Ayelet Baron

Our Journey To Corporate Sanity: From The Corporate World To The Amazon
Our Journey To Corporate Sanity: From The Corporate World To The Amazon

In this very inspiring conversation between Benjamin Butler and Ayelet Baron we hear about the amazing journey of Ayelet.

Ayelet Baron is a visionary author, speaker, coach, workshop facilitator, and former tech executive committed to making a transformational impact on business.

After undergoing a personal transformation, she realized the magnitude of how much the corporate world had lost its way, and, more importantly, she saw hope for how to make things better. She discovered that the new mindset needed for 21st century leadership has its roots in ancient wisdom traditions, especially around the themes of integration and a genuinely holistic perspective.

Ayelet Baron
Ayelet Baron

Ayelet Baron was at the top of the corporate tech world working for CISCO (as Chief Strategy Officer for Canada) when she experienced a life changing event, an aircraft crash. She left the corporate world, went to the Amazon and then returned to write a powerful book about the Journey to Corporate Sanity. Ayelet has not retreated from the world though, far from it, she is out there giving talks, writing books and working on some amazing projects.

This interview should give you much hope about the future. Ayelet’s website can be found here:

This interview was first posted in