Benefits of a Career in Nursing

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    Benefits of a Career in Nursing

    Nursing is a well-respected profession and having a career as a nurse brings plenty of opportunity for progression. Some people have the natural ability to be a nurse, and it is a skill set that can be applied to different areas of life. If you enjoy helping others and like to learn new skills, then nursing may be your calling. If you’re thinking of starting a career in nursing, but not sure if its right for you, read through this guide to the benefits it can bring.

    Be in Demand

    There are always nursing jobs available. Growing populations mean that more people need care now and in the future. If you decide to become a nurse, you will be able to work almost anywhere you choose to. The career outlook for nurses in Texas, for example, are very appealing because of the growing number of families moving to the area. To your surprise, the average salary for an LPN in Texas is $48,380 per annum. That’s quite promising a career. Right?


    When you train as a nurse, you can choose to develop your career in a field that interests you. For example, you might enjoy having an aged care career, prefer to focus on genetics or gynecology. Being able to work in an area you are interested in brings job satisfaction, and you’ll enjoy your time at work.

    Continuous Learning

    When you are a nurse, there are always training opportunities so you can further develop your learning. This is often funded by your employer and could be practical courses or academic, enabling you to keep up to date with the latest in healthcare. An ability to learn along with gaining experience is another positive of this job. Today certification and recertification in courses such as ACLS, PALS or BLS are available online, with the flexibility all nurses find invaluable.


    Nurses often have the opportunity to work shift patterns that suit their lifestyle. That might mean working three shifts over a weekend and having time off during the week or working split shifts. Employers value your time and try to meet your needs as you work.


    Being a nurse means you see all sorts of things during your day. From minor injuries to serious, supporting people through illness and helping their families. You witness people at their worst and at their best. The aspects of life you see as a nurse make you realize that those small problems in life are insignificant.


    Being a nurse, you get to make a difference to people’s lives in a way that no other career can. Helping people at often difficult times eases suffering when a friendly face and a smile can change their day for the better. When you get to make a difference to people every day, it makes you feel good about yourself.

    Being a nurse takes a special sort of person, one that has deep empathy for others and a desire to do good. If you think that’s you, then a career in nursing is worth trying. As well as being rewarding, nursing brings diversity and flexibility that you can tailor to your interests. The opportunities for self-development and progression for nurses often make it a career to pursue for a lifetime!

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