Day-3 openbusinesscouncil Summit Event – The Present And Future Of Digital Transformation And Technology For Businesses And Governments

Digital Transformation And Technology
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    Digital Transformation And Technology

    Final day of Exclusive openbusinesscouncil summit LIVE event with over 120+ speakers, including former Nasa Astronaut Scott Parazynski, Bollywood Actor Javed Jaffrey and government representatives. In this 3-days digital event and throughout 20+ panels, the experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation and technology for businesses and governments, Smart business– smart SMEs Day – Society & Business – 4IR Frontier tech and society 5.0, Digital Inclusion, AI, big data, IOT, Social Impact Wellness – Healthtech, Digital Literacy, Cyber Security, Social Media, Data.

    You can watch the whole event here with us…

    DAY 3 – April, 22

    1- Redesigning the Cities and Governments of the future – Case studies smart cities


    2- Smart cities Case studies – Singapore, Netherlands and the UK


    3- Smart cities & Circular Economy- Industries Experts and Organisations


    4- Closing Ceremony


    5- Can we redesign our cities, nations, governments with Smart cities, Blockchain
