openbusinesscouncil Summit To Help Businesses And Governments Build Digital Transformation 360 Strategies

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    Digital has become the new normal. Businesses, governments and citizens are going online to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic challenge, but we need to embrace everything that digital offers to enable economic growth and to become more resilient for the future. Digital events are one of those tools that have been one of the most effective to educate audiences from all sectors about the potential solutions of this future. This is precisely what openbusinesscouncil summit aims to offer on December 9-10. 

    The openbusinesscouncil summit is a cutting edge global virtual event over two days that aims to strengthen businesses, startups and government’s strategies. The openbusinesscouncil summit offers action plans to deal with the challenges arising from COVID-19 given all the economic and technology disruptions.  With businesses and startups facing uncertain times, forecasts of a recession with a drop in sales and limited funding, this summit will kick off by addressing today’s most pressing challenges and identify what’s next for industry and businesses.

    The two-day summit, on December 9-10, will provide access to an unique audience of potential partners and clients which include leading global thought leaders, entrepreneurs, startup organisations, accelerators, investors, authors and governments.

    Read more about why Businesses need to embrace Digital Transformation on the article Digital Transformation: How to Be a Business in a Time of 4IR AI Blockchain Fintech

    How can Businesses and Governments Build a Digital Transformation Strategy in a time of Covid-19

    Prior to the pandemic, SMEs were the backbone of the economy – they account for 65% of net new jobs – and they not only need to keep up with technological developments but also with the rising consumer trends. As of now, in the UK alone, there are over 5.7 million small and medium sized businesses while in the USA,, the US Census Bureau said they have over 32 million SMEs. While their growth and potential economic impact are enormous, a vast majority of these businesses face complex and often insurmountable challenges: a lack of business connections, limited awareness of digital tools and best practices, limited staff, lack of digital skills training and education, lack of timely information, poor funding and economies of scale, especially now given the devastating effects of the COVID-19 crisis. The new normal is dominated by data and a continuum of digital innovation, where businesses need to keep adapting and upgrading their models if they are to thrive.

    Likewise, consumers’ behaviour is also changing. Consumers now invest extensive time in research and decision-making before entering a traditional or virtual store, and their buying decisions can, and will, be influenced by peer-to-peer customer reviews, feedback, loyalty programmes, promotions and savings generated with special offers. Because of these factors, customer and product information matters, now, more than ever before.

    Most of today’s companies sales, marketing, customer service and operational efforts struggle to capture the information needed to present a single, common view of customer and product information across the value chain that is presented consistently along all channels. The goal is to have an integrated approach to maintaining both customer and product data.

    For these companies that are struggling to adapt their processes to accommodate these changes brought about by digitalisation, the 360-degree model is one of the best ways to begin restoring the company’s ability to keep up with shifting consumer demands.

    Innovation is all about the process of taking new ideas from inception to impact whilst solving the problems. Businesses have to focus on an impact of 10x rather than 10%,” said Dinis Guarda, founder and CEO of

    The Digital 360 model guides corporate leaders and their different departments to a holistic view of the digital threats and opportunities facing key parts of the business, linking them to an overall vision for how digital is reshaping the competitive landscape? This brings order to a chaos of initiatives and provides a clearer basis for narrowing down priorities and managing the cross-functional interdependencies that the best digital solutions often present. Initiatives like the openbusinesscouncil summit are designed to be the 360 model guide for companies.

    How can business and governments build a digital transformation strategy. Infographic created by Dinis Guarda

    The openbusinesscouncil summit will offer a road map of solutions and opportunities of how to work and collaborate as the governments, businesses, cities, citizens and nations move forward with 4IR – Society 5.0. The summit will also provide an AI-powered business digital matching and meeting platform and provide international brand exposure through our media partners. The summit will offer social media outreach to a wide audience of over 2M people and opportunities to engage with speakers through their keynote addresses and panel discussions. Most importantly, the summit will highlight the various ways to adapt, fund, create new jobs and ultimately embrace new opportunities.

    “As the world is changing with the 4IR, it is important to reflect on the way we as individuals, nations and businesses respond to the challenges. The only way forward is to look at the situation by harnessing its potential, but this needs to be done in a wise way. Since technologies keep changing, leading to continually emerging trends, there will be a need to adapt quickly, participating fully in the new innovation cycles, creating new driven ecosystems and tech cities, redesigning new business models, products and services, re-skilling the labour force, designing new legislation and doing all of this in a balanced way that thoroughly thinks through what growth means,” added openbusinesscouncil summit curator Dinis Guarda.

    openbusinesscouncil was created by the Ztudium group as a Blockchain, AI, Digital Transformation Financial Empowerment B2B2C SMEs businesses and professional ecosystem, that will serve as a business directory, marketplace and payment system.

    The summit will feature leading global personalities, entrepreneurs and organisations in the business and startup world, by offering a road map of solutions and opportunities, for startups and the business ecosystems, of how to work and collaborate. The summit will highlight the ways to adapt, fund, create new jobs and ultimately opportunities.