Brand Engagement and Marketing: What Every Business Owner Should Know

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    Brand Engagement and Marketing: What Every Business Owner Should Know
    Brand Engagement and Marketing: What Every Business Owner Should Know

    A good branding strategy for your business is tailored to the goals of your organisation. You begin with the same basic digital tools: social media platforms, websites and blogs. But what you then do with them will set you apart from your competition. Today we focus on voice and messaging and the importance of having a having a consistent strategy to help your business grow. Read below for tips on how to integrate this into your current marketing approach.

    The reputation of some brands may seem effortless and almost uncontrollable. However, each global success has a specifically curated approach to build awareness, loyalty and association. The first point to understand is that branding is just as much what people think you are, as well as what you actually are (and stand for). Image and perception is fundamental.

    Therefore, beginning an overhaul of your brand’s strategy should begin at the end. Start with defining what it is that you want to achieve – growth, sales, loyalty, awareness or positive association? Prioritising these goals shapes the next steps to take to achieve these objectives.

    Regarding digital presence, this will ensure that communications across all platforms is geared towards this outcome. Consider your website and how easy it is for people to use, your marketing on social media and your SEO approach. Next look at email communications and paid advertising in your marketing strategy.

    Ensuring that you have a seamless voice and messaging across your various platforms doesn’t stop with digital. From sign design, pop-up events and in-store marketing materials, your company’s identity should be clear and consistent. This doesn’t mean you avoid promoting seasonal campaigns or pursue new product lines/services. For instance, a clothing brand marketing campaign can highlight seasonal trends while staying true to the brand’s core values. This approach ensures that, while evolving and responding to industry trends, your brand’s reputation and messaging remain intact and effective.

    But it does mean that even while evolving and responding to industry trends, your core values remain central. To do so, all your campaigns will compliment and strengthen your company’s values. This practice is at the heart of every iconic and well-loved brand. It means that beyond material objects or services, there is a value-orientated reputation. This reputation resonates with, and guides clients and customers.

    An example of value-based brand engagement is UGG Australia’s approach to their production and sale of sheepskin boots and slippers. Being truly Australian owned and operated is not only a selling point for this brand. They go further than this and prove commitment to an authentic Australian heritage and manufacturing. It defines their business practices, supply chain and management structure. It, for example, includes the ability for customers to attend factory tours to see how their product is crafted.

    You may wish to mimic this approach to a brand narrative in terms of your own business. To so do, define who you are, your most important values, your vision for your product/service, and how you will go about aligning all of these factors. To complete this exercise, you may wish to engage the services of marketing specialists in this area. They will help you articulate what direction your business will need to take to find their own unique voice.

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