If you think our political systems are broken then you are not alone. There’s a growing frustration at the state of our democracies. Many feel their interests are rarely represented and there’s a sense that our current systems are leading us towards greater division rather than enabling people to come together to tackle the enormous challenges the world faces today.
However, there are seeds of hope. Innovative ways of doing democracy are popping up everywhere.
Reinventing Democracy is a new YouTube channel created by Andy Paice dedicated to investigating people, organisations and movements from the UK and around the globe who are working to upgrade our democratic systems so that they’re fit for the realities of the 21st century.
In this first interview Andy Paice interviews Indra Adnan and Pat Kane, co-founders of a new political platform called The Alternative UK. Its aim is to completely reimagine what politics is all about. Think values rather than ideology and creativity, dramatics, music and people participation rather than drab debate.
Indra is the author of the Soft Power Network, a political consultant and psychotherapist. Pat Kane is the founding curator of Future Fest, author of The Play Ethic and a professional musician.
Watch the video here:
If you’d like to support this project bringing news of more collaborative, participative and life-affirming ways of doing democracy you can donate here.
Andy Paice is London based Coach, Facilitator and Mindfulness trainer. The focus of his work/play is facilitating and catalysing new ways of working and living that are fit for the realities of the 21st century. One of his major passions is the creation of participatory democracy initiatives and amplifying awareness of new politics through the
Reinventing Democracy YouTube channel . He teaches Mindfulness in community and corporate settings and facilitates community meetings. Andy is passionate about authentic human connection and the emerging collaborative commons paradigm. Prior to these activities he lived and practised as a monastic in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition in France from 1998-2007 where he accomplished a traditional three-year group meditation retreat. In his spare time he enjoys Contact Improvisation dancing, eating curry and running From Me to We a meetup group he created. You can check out his website www.andypaice.net and follow him on Twitter @andypaice