As well as concentrating on attracting new customers, you should also always also focus on retaining your existing clients. A great way to ensure that you don’t lose your customers to your competitors whilst your concentrating on attracting new ones is to keep reminding them of your business, brand and the service that you offer. It seems simple but many business may struggle with this. To make sure they don’t forget you there are a few simple ways to remind your customers of your business and offering.
1. Offer a promotional gift
You can structure a promotion for your business where you will off a customer a free gift. This can be with every new enquiry, order or even for a referral.A well thought out useful gift doesn’t have to be costly but will act as a constant reminder advertising your company. If possible try to always brand the gifts with your logo message and web address where possible. Promotional bags are perfect for promotions. They can be used as a gift on their own or additional can be used to place and present additional promotional products or marketing brochures and printed information, and all without looking like you tried too hard. Such gestures make a great impression on customers, showing that you are thinking of them and that you also appreciate them.
2.Respect and listen to your clients Customers
Remember they come to your business because they have needs that they want satisfied. Without them, your business cannot survive. You need to understand their needs so that your business and services totally them excellently. Train all members of staff to serve your customers and to let them know that you welcome all their views. Try to listen to customers and avoid interrupting them when they are trying to talk and instead, be patient, listen keenly and offer a solution once they are through. Besides, let all your employees know how valuable your customers are and why they ought to respect and listen to them as there are the ones ultimately paying the salaries.
3. Become a “professional” friend
It is partly true that you should never make your clients your close friends. Strive to create a professional relationship instead. Common knowledge dictates that people are more likely to be loyal to friends, this also applies to businesses. You will win customers’ heart if you strive to make them your professional friends besides being your clients. Identify them with their names and occasionally check on them just to find out how they are faring on. You can also send them personal messages on their special days and appreciate them for being your clients.
4.Offer prompt guidance
Sometimes a customer may be stranded in using your products or accessing your service. Urgent intervention is paramount in such scenarios. Ensure that the client understands your explanation. Follow up to find out if the problem has been completely solved. Be apologetic in case your product had an issue.
5.Appreciate them always
You should know that customers do you much favor by preferring your business over others. Thank every person who visits your workplace, even if they are just making enquiries or after a successful sale. Do it with a smile on your face and ask them to visit again. You can go an extra mile to craft “personal thank you” notes which can be in the form of cards or electronic messages. As a prudent business person, you will not struggle to appreciate and value your clients as this comes naturally once you realise how important they are to you. The power of word of mouth is extremely significant for the growth of your business. Once you satisfy your existing customers, they will not hesitate to pull their friends to your business. Therefore, you will need to put in little effort and arrange resources for promotions, since your clients will already have done that for you. Try to apply these tips daily and you will see the tremendous impact it has on your customers.

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